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dint 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
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dints, plural;
  1. Mark (a surface) with impressions or hollows
    • - the metal was dull and dinted
  1. An impression or hollow in a surface
    • - the soft dints at the top of a coconut
  2. A blow or stroke, typically one made with a weapon in fighting

  3. Force of attack; impact
    • - I perceive you feel the dint of pity

  1. interchangeable with `means' in the expression `by means of'
  2. Dinting is a district of Glossop in Derbyshire, England. It is a small village and has no shops; the nearest are in neighbouring Glossop or Hadfield. However, there is a small primary school, Dinting C of E, located near the viaduct. The village is served by Dinting railway station. ...
  3. A blow, stroke, especially dealt in a fight; Force, power; especially in by dint of; A dent; To dent