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dibble 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
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dibbles, plural;
  1. Make (a hole) in soil with a dibble

  2. Sow (a seed or plant) with a dibble

  1. A pointed hand tool for making holes in the ground for seeds or young plants

  1. a wooden hand tool with a pointed end; used to make holes in the ground for planting seeds or bulbs
  2. plant with a wooden hand tool; "dibble Spring bulbs"
  3. Dibble is a surname that may refer to: *Andy Dibble (born 1965), Welsh professional footballer *Ansen Dibell (1942–2006), American science fiction author *C. W. Dibble, football coach of University of Buffalo in 1897 *Charles E. Dibble (1909–2002), American anthropologist and linguist *Clark B. ...
  4. Dibble is a town in McClain County, Oklahoma, United States. The population was 289 at the 2000 census. The town was named after two brothers James and John Dibble.The community has 15,450 residents in its zipcode, according to Sperling's Best Places. ...
  5. (Dibbles) A tool used to plant bulbs and other small plant by poking holes in the soil.
  6. or The Dibble: Arises from the police officer in the Hanna-Barbera animated programme Top Cat. Most commonly used in Manchester.
  7. Spade-like tool used to prepare planting holes for seedlings. Dibbles are most commonly used in the South but are also used in other areas for planting containerized seedlings (12).
  8. A pointed tool used to create holes in soil. A pencil or rod can be used as a dibble.
  9. Also called a planting bar. A tool for hand planting bare-rooted seedlings. About 4 1/2 feet in length with a 10-inch blade.
  10. Act of using a dibber.