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deterrent 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
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deterrents, plural;
  1. Able or intended to deter
    • - the deterrent effect of heavy prison sentences
  1. A thing that discourages or is intended to discourage someone from doing something

  2. A nuclear weapon or weapons system regarded as deterring an enemy from attack

  1. hindrance: something immaterial that interferes with or delays action or progress
  2. tending to deter; "the deterrent effects of high prices"
  3. (deterrence) disincentive: a negative motivational influence
  4. (deterrence) determent: a communication that makes you afraid to try something
  5. (deterrence) the act or process of discouraging actions or preventing occurrences by instilling fear or doubt or anxiety
  6. (Deterrence (legal)) Deterrence is often contrasted with retributivism, which holds that punishment is a necessary consequence of a crime and should be calculated based on the gravity of the wrong done.
  7. (Deterrence (movie)) Deterrence is a 1999 French/American drama film written and directed by Rod Lurie, depicting fictional events about nuclear brinksmanship. ...
  8. (Deterrence (psychological)) Deterrence is a theory from behavioral psychology about preventing or controlling actions or behavior through fear of punishment or retribution. This theory of criminology is shaping the criminal justice system of the United States and various other countries.
  9. Something that deters; Serving to deter, preventing something from happening
  10. (deterrence) The act of deterring, or the state of being deterred; Action taken by states or alliances of nations against equally powerful alliances to prevent hostile action; The art of producing in one's enemy the fear to attack
  11. (Deterrents) a term normally used to describe anti-perching products or bird exclusion products
  12. (Deterrence) the attempt to discourage criminality through punishment
  13. (deterrence) the policy or practice of stockpiling nuclear weapons to deter another nation from making a nuclear attack.
  14. (DETERRENCE) the time-worn, some say twisted, notion of "mutual assured destruction" (also know by its acronym MAD), a policy of preventing nuclear war that has dominated Soviet-American relations since the Russians also obtained the bomb. ...
  15. (Deterrence) A strategy of punishment associated with the Classical School.   Deterrence can either be specific, punishing an individual so that she won't commit a crime again, or general, punishing an individual to set an example to society, so that others will not commit the same crime. ...
  16. (Deterrence) A theory that criminal laws are passed with well-defined punishments to discourage individual criminal defendants from becoming repeat offenders and to discourage others in society from engaging in similar criminal activity
  17. (Deterrence) Active or passive wildlife management for the purpose of minimizing animal activity on airport property.
  18. (Deterrence) Conditional commitment to retaliate or to exact retribution if another party fails to behave in a desired, compliant manner. Deterrence concentrates exclusively on negative sanctions or threats.
  19. (Deterrence) Deriving from the French for ‘to frighten from’, the dissuasive means of preventing an impending or projected action of others through instilling fear of repercussions or by an understanding that the negative consequences of such actions will outweigh the benefits .
  20. (Deterrence) The credible threat of punishment might lead people to make different choices; well-designed threats might lead people to make choices which maximise welfare.
  21. (Deterrence) The idea that the purpose of punishment is to persuade others not to commit moral or legal crimes.
  22. (Deterrence) The prevention of certain actions by the induction of fear for threatening negative consequences.
  23. (Deterrence) Why now? Why us? Original definitions do not necessarily emphasize on rehabilitation but rather on the spectacle of punishment. Various theories underlyning deterrence, have been influenced by Christian-Judeo concepts of justice such as the idea of an eye for an eye. ...
  24. (deterrence) The idea that fear of punishment will prevent crimes. For example, some people might be deterred from robbing banks because they know that bank robbers go to jail.
  25. (deterrence) a logic which dominated nuclear and security relations between the Cold War superpowers (the U.S. and the USSR). ...