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destructive 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
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Causing great and irreparable harm or damage,
  1. Causing great and irreparable harm or damage
    • - the destructive power of weapons
  2. Tending to refute or disparage; negative and unhelpful
    • - destructive criticism

  1. causing destruction or much damage; "a policy that is destructive to the economy"; "destructive criticism"
  2. (destruction) the termination of something by causing so much damage to it that it cannot be repaired or no longer exists
  3. (destruction) an event (or the result of an event) that completely destroys something
  4. (destruction) end: a final state; "he came to a bad end"; "the so-called glorious experiment came to an inglorious end"
  5. Destructiveness is a faculty from the discipline of phrenology.
  6. (Destruction (band)) Destruction is a German thrash metal band. They are considered one of the "three kings" of the Teutonic thrash metal scene, the others being Kreator and Sodom. ...
  7. (Destruction (Elder Scrolls)) The Elder Scrolls (abbreviated as TES) is a role-playing video game series developed by Bethesda Softworks.
  8. (Destruction (film)) Destruction is a 1915 silent drama film directed by Will S. Davis and starring Theda Bara. The film is now considered to be lost.
  9. Causing destruction; damaging; Causing break down or disassembly
  10. (Destructiveness) such as destroying objects, harming animals, destroying a relationship, reckless driving, substance abuse.
  11. Destruction refers to the process of eliminating or deleting records, beyond any possible reconstruction (source ISO 15489:2001).
  12. "Destruction means the complete destruction of articles or merchandise to the extent that they have no commercial value. Any residue from the destruction within a zone, which is determined to be without commercial value, may be removed to Customs territory for disposal. [19 CFR 146.52(e)]"
  13. (DESTRUCTION) or control: The element destroys or prejudices the second one below it, so we have the wood destroying the earth, the earth destroying the water, the water destroying the metal, the metal destroying the wood. ...
  14. (Destruction (2)) The National Archives authorises disposal of Commonwealth records (including destruction) for the purposes of the Archives Act 1983. Destruction should be carried out by an approved method such as shredding or, in the case of electronic records, rendering them unreadable. ...
  15. (Destruction) Disposal of classified material by prescribed procedures.
  16. (Destruction) In Job 26:6, Job 28:22 (Heb. abaddon ) is sheol, the realm of the dead.
  17. (Destruction) Refers to deliberate demolition of a building or site. To be applied only when article covers 1) the subject of destruction or 2) a situation in which a building or site has already been destroyed.
  18. (Destruction) With the increased cost of identity theft, corporate scandals and privacy concerns, the destruction of both paper and electronic documents has become increasingly important to manage. ...
  19. (destruction) A condition when the ability of a critical infrastructure to provide its customers an expected upon level of products and services is negated. Typically a permanent condition. An infrastructure is considered destroyed when its level of performance is zero. ...
  20. (destruction) In archives, the process of obliterating records that are no longer of value but remain too sensitive to be simply discarded as trash. For paper records, the most common methods are shredding and pulping. Incineration is used for records in other physical formats. ...
  21. (destruction) overcoming, or liberation from, evil things through their d.; samuccheda-pahána or samuccheda-vimutti; s. pahána.
  22. Destruction of wildlife does not always lead to an extinction of the species in question, however, the dramatic loss of entire species across Earth dominates any review of wildlife destruction as extinction is the level of damage to a wild population from which there is no return.
  23. Physical destruction or removal of personal identifiers from information so that the information is no longer personally identifiable.
  24. An act of demolishing, damaging, or probing any system, structure, or component, or to dismantle any system or component that would not be taken apart by an ordinary person in the course of normal maintenance.
  25. adj. (of an operator) capable of modifying some program-visible aspect of one or more objects that are either explicit arguments to the operator or that can be obtained directly or indirectly from the global environment by the operator.