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destabilize 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
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destabilized, past participle; destabilizes, 3rd person singular present; destabilized, past tense; destabilised, past participle; destabilizing, present participle; destabilises, 3rd person singular present; destabilising, present participle; destabilised, past tense;
  1. Upset the stability of; cause unrest in
    • - the discovery of an affair can destabilize a relationship

  1. become unstable; "The economy destabilized rapidly"
  2. (destabilization) an event that causes a loss of equilibrium (as of a ship or aircraft)
  3. (destabilization) the action of destabilizing; making something less stable (especially of a government or country or economy)
  4. To make something unstable; To undermine a government, especially by means of subversion or terrorism; To become unstable
  5. Bureaucratese for promoting chaos within the social organization within a target community, for the purposes of imposing an external agenda and/or external organization upon the members of that community under the guise of restoring order.