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despoil 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
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despoiled, past participle; despoiling, present participle; despoils, 3rd person singular present; despoiled, past tense;
  1. Steal or violently remove valuable or attractive possessions from; plunder
    • - the church was despoiled of its marble wall covering

  1. plunder: steal goods; take as spoils; "During the earthquake people looted the stores that were deserted by their owners"
  2. rape: destroy and strip of its possession; "The soldiers raped the beautiful country"
  3. (despoiled) having been robbed and destroyed by force and violence; "the raped countryside"
  4. (despoilment) spoil: the act of stripping and taking by force
  5. Looting (Hindi lūṭ, akin to Sanskrit luṭhati, [he] steals; also Latin latro, latronis [Sp. ladrón], "thief"), to rob , sacking, plundering, despoiling, despoliation or pillaging is the indiscriminate taking of goods by force as part of a military or political victory, or during a catastrophe or ...
  6. Plunder; spoliation; To deprive for spoil; to take spoil from; to plunder; to rob; to pillage; To violently strip (someone), with indirect object of their possessions etc.; to rob; To strip (someone) of their clothes; to undress