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descriptive 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
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Serving or seeking to describe,
  1. Serving or seeking to describe

  2. (of an adjective) Assigning a quality rather than restricting the application of the expression modified, e.g., blue as distinct from few

  3. Describing or classifying without expressing feelings or judging

  4. Denoting or relating to an approach to language analysis that describes accents, forms, structures, and usage without making value judgments

  1. serving to describe or inform or characterized by description; "the descriptive variable"; "a descriptive passage"
  2. describing the structure of a language; "descriptive grammar"
  3. (Descriptiveness) Trademark distinctiveness is an important concept in the law governing trademarks and service marks. A trademark may be eligible for registration, or registrable, if amongst other things it performs the essential trademark function, and has distinctive character. ...
  4. What important ideas does that page cover?
  5. (niteleme "qualifying"), or
  6. or observational relativism is the view or observation that different people, groups, societies, and cultures do in fact have differing views about right and wrong, good and bad, truth or falsity—it is the observation that the actual views that people have or hold about good or bad, right or ...
  7. a glossary term can describe the properties of a thing.  Descriptive definitions often provide a reference to how the term is used in some system or context
  8. Information describing the intellectual content of the object, such as MARC cataloguing records, finding aids or similar schemes. It is typically used for bibliographic purposes and for search and retrieval.
  9. The way things are, the "facts." Descriptive ethics is the study of opinions or beliefs about what is normative in ethics; it seeks merely to catalogue people's opinions about ethics. Normative ethics (see below) is the study of rightness in action, and goodness in states of affairs. ...
  10. used for describing the characteristics of the population and subjects. Scientists use both types of statistics to draw general conclusions about their population and sample.
  11. text displayed with no data entry. Optional image/file attachment must be specified through the Online Designer.
  12. Using words to show how something looks.
  13. Utilizes the obvious and logical to penetrate the market place quickly and establish a position of leadership and dominance.
  14. writing is expressive, vivid, or colorful.
  15. Describing a phenomenon without making an evaluative or judgmental statement. Opposite of normative.
  16. statistics used to describe and explore patterns, trends, and relationships. A way of summarizing information about a sample.  Example: mean (average), median, standard deviation, etc.  can describe one variable. ...