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descant 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
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descants, plural;
  1. Talk tediously or at length
    • - I have descanted on this subject before
  1. An independent treble melody usually sung or played above a basic melody

  2. A melodious song

  3. A discourse on a theme or subject
    • - his descant of deprivation

  1. a decorative musical accompaniment (often improvised) added above a basic melody
  2. sing in descant
  3. yodel: sing by changing register; sing by yodeling; "The Austrians were yodeling in the mountains"
  4. talk at great length about something of one's interest
  5. Descant or discant can refer to several different things in music, depending on the period in question; etymologically, the word means a voice (cantus) above or removed from others.
  6. Begun in 1970 as a mimeograph, Descant has become a literary and art focused journal. Based out of Toronto, Ontario Descant is a quarterly Canadian journal with most issues revolving around a central theme. ...
  7. A lengthy discourse on a subject; a counterpoint melody sung or played above the theme; To discuss at length; To sing or play a descant
  8. A vocal part or parts added above the highest part and intended to be performed by treble voices along with the ensemble.
  9. a melodic part pitched higher than and concurrent with the melody.
  10. (v): improvise on a theme. FS (3-Rich3, Lucrece, PP); Golding Calvin on Ps; Edwards Dam&Pith; Kyd Sp Tr; Harvey Pierce's Super
  11. a second independent melody added to the main melody usually sung or played at a higher pitch.
  12. Sometimes the melody is not the highest line in music.  a descant is a higher part that is usually sung over the melody.  It can be played on an instrument as well.