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deprecate 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
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deprecated, past participle; deprecates, 3rd person singular present; deprecating, present participle; deprecated, past tense;
  1. Express disapproval of
    • - he sniffed in a deprecating way

  1. express strong disapproval of; deplore
  2. belittle; "The teacher should not deprecate his student's efforts"
  3. (deprecating) belittling: tending to diminish or disparage; "belittling comments"; "managed a deprecating smile at the compliment"; "deprecatory remarks about the book"; "a slighting remark"
  4. (deprecation) a prayer to avert or remove some evil or disaster
  5. In computer software or authoring programs standards and documentation, the term deprecation is applied to software features that are superseded and should be avoided. ...
  6. To belittle or express disapproval of; Tto declare something obsolescent, i.e., to recommend against a function, technique, command, etc, that still works but has been replaced; To pray against
  7. (deprecated) Strongly disapproved of; Belittled; insulted; Obsolescent; said of a construct in a computing language considered obsolete but still available for use, though planned to be phased out
  8. (deprecation) The act of deprecating; A praying against evil; prayer that an evil may be removed or prevented; strong expression of disapprobation; Entreaty for pardon; petitioning; An imprecation or curse
  9. (deprecated) In the process of being phased out (see Deprecation on Wikiepedia)
  10. (deprecated) Something that has been made obsolete by later versions of the API. Deprecated methods should not be used because there is no guarantee that they will continue to exist in future versions.
  11. A deprecated feature is one that is being phased out. In these Help pages, deprecated usually refers to HTML elements and parameters that have been superceded by CSS parameters.
  12. (3. Deprecated) “Cheer up!” might be your first reaction to your friend who tells you a critical programming library he or she relies on has been deprecated. ...
  13. (Deprecated) A term used by the W3C to suggest people don't use elements that are defined in their specifications, but which are not likely to be included in future revisions because there are better ways of achieving the same result.
  14. (Deprecated) A warning that an interface is obsolete and may be removed, details ...
  15. (Deprecated) An API item that is considered obsolete and on its way out, usually in favor of something better. Usually, though the item may have been originally included as part of an API, the use of it is no longer advised, and slowly support for the item is phased out.
  16. (Deprecated) C-HTML · HDML · JSSS · PGML · VML
  17. (Deprecated) Fancy term meaning that it is no longer supported. Some browser may still support it, but it is not in the current standard.
  18. (Deprecated) HTML tags and tag attributes are tags that might or might not be supported by all browsers, and thus, they are not recommended for use.
  19. (Deprecated) Of a coded character or a character property, strongly discouraged from use. (Not the same as obsolete.)
  20. (Deprecated) This is the next most previous public release of the service endpoint
  21. (Deprecated) This term  is used to refer to obsolete structures that should not be used for new applications but remain valid.
  22. (Deprecated) functions or template tags are no longer supported, and will soon be obsolete.
  23. (deprecated) A web standard or language feature (commonly an HTML element or attribute and corresponding DOM equivalent) that is still supported in a standards release version, the use of which is discouraged in documents that support the version. ...
  24. (deprecated) No longer supported, made obsolete; further use is typically given disapproval by the creator or owner
  25. (deprecated) The term is also used to refer to pages, templates, or categories that have been orphaned or are no longer used.