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denude 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
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denudes, 3rd person singular present; denuded, past participle; denuded, past tense; denuding, present participle;
  1. Strip (something) of its covering, possessions, or assets; make bare
    • - almost overnight the Arctic was denuded of animals

  1. lay bare; "denude a forest"
  2. In geology, denudation describes the process of rock disaggregation by means of erosion, mass wasting and weathering, eventually leading to a reduction in elevation and relief of landforms and landscapes. ...
  3. To divest of all covering; to make bare or naked; to strip; to divest; as, to denude one of clothing, or lands
  4. (denuding) Defoliation which severes a grass shoot above the developing floral bud (growing point) but beneath the collar zone of a majority of the exposed leaf blades.
  5. to lay (a rock, etc.) bare as by erosion. – denudant: n. any agent or agency causing denudation. – denudation: n. the process of denuding. [AHDOS]
  6. 1. To strip, remove all covering, as tornadoes may denude all trees of leaves. 2. To lay bare, as a hill from erosion. 3. The total destruction of plant and animal life by physical or biotic means.