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denizen 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
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denizens, plural;
  1. An inhabitant or occupant of a particular place
    • - denizens of field and forest
  2. A foreigner allowed certain rights in the adopted country

  1. inhabitant: a person who inhabits a particular place
  2. a plant or animal naturalized in a region; "denizens of field and forest"; "denizens of the deep"
  3. Denizen is a 2010 low budget sci-fi horror-action film written and directed by J.A. Steel (aka Jacquelyn A. Ruffner). The film stars Steel, Julie Corgill, Glen Jensen, Ben Bayless, and Jody Mullins, and is Steel's third feature film.
  4. Denizen is an action computer game published by Players Software in 1988 for the ZX Spectrum.
  5. (Denizens) Denization is an obsolete process in English Common Law, dating from the 13th century, by which a foreigner became a denizen, gaining some privileges of a British subject, including the right to hold English land, through letters patent. ...
  6. An inhabitant of a place; one who dwells in; One who frequents a place; A person with rights between those of naturalized citizen and resident alien (roughly permanent resident), obtained through letters patent; Used to describe the range or habitat of an animal or plant; To grant rights of ...
  7. (Denizens) Inhabitants of a BUA, otherwise analogous to Camp Followers (CF) in a camp.
  8. A foreigner admitted to certain rights in his or her adopted country.
  9. a foreigner permitted certain rights of citizenship. In England, they could purchase and own land, but it could not be inherited without a grant from the crown. A denizen also could hold no public or civil office, or be in the military. This policy was carried over into colonial America.
  10. a person who has been admitted to residence in a foreign country
  11. inhabitant, resident, occupant