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dens, plural;
  1. (of a wild animal) Live in or retreat to a den
    • - the cubs denned in the late autumn
  1. A wild animal's lair or habitation

  2. A small, comfortable room in a house where a person can pursue an activity in private

  3. A place where people meet in secret, typically to engage in some illicit activity
    • - an opium den
    • - a den of iniquity
  4. A small subdivision of a Cub Scout pack

  1. lair: the habitation of wild animals
  2. hideout: a hiding place; usually a remote place used by outlaws
  3. a unit of 8 to 10 cub scouts
  4. a room that is comfortable and secluded
  5. The Battle Angel Alita manga series features a cast of characters designed by Yukito Kishiro. The series takes place around the city of Scrapyard where residents, of whom many are heavily modified by cybernetics to better cope with the hard life, are forced to make a living.
  6. Den is the name of two identical planetary romance fictional characters created by Richard Corben. The first one appeared in the 1968 animated short film Neverwhere. ...
  7. Den (marketed as DeN) is a 2001 independent drama horror film written and directed by Greg Arce.
  8. Digital Entertainment Network ( was a multimedia and web television dot-com company.
  9. Den (День, The Day) is a Kiev-based, centrist daily boardsheet newspaper. Founded in 1996, the paper has a circulation of about 60,000. It is linked to former prime minister Yevhen Marchuk - his wife Larysa Ivshyna is the paper's editor-in-chief. ...
  10. Den (or Dewen) was the fourth Egyptian king of the First dynastyClayton, Peter A. Chronicle of the Pharaohs: The Reign-by-Reign Record of the Rulers and Dynasties of Ancient Egypt. p. 16. Thames & Hudson. 2006. ISBN 0-500-28628-0 or fifth if Narmer is included. He was the son of Queen Merneith. ...
  11. The home of certain animals; A comfortable room not used for formal entertaining; To ensconce or hide oneself in (or as in) a den
  12. (DENS) Hiding places or places of subterfuge.
  13. (Dens (pl., Dentes)) In Collembola, the long proximal segment of the distal arms of the forks of the mannbrium, bearing the mucro apically.
  14. (dens) Latin = tooth (cf. dentist), adjective - dental.
  15. Holes in trees or in the ground where some animals live; particularly to shelter and raise young.
  16. A secret location where floats are built and stored when it's not Mardi Gras.
  17. A neighborhood group of four to eight Cub Scouts or Webelos Scouts that meets periodically, usually once a week, and is part of a Cub Scout pack.
  18. The home or dwelling of an animalAny living thing that is not a plant. Most animals can move about freely. All use plants or other animals as food. All have sensory organs., usually in the ground, a tree hollow, or a cave.
  19. The Denver Community Program for Clinical Research on AIDS, a CPCRA unit.
  20. the abode of a wild animal, differs from a burrow in that it typically houses a larger animal such as a bear or coyote.
  21. A small room, in addition to the bedroom and living room. Often used as a home office or TV room.
  22. Place where animals gather together to sleep and give birth to their young.
  23. The small room in Dana Commons that is used for functions like dance parties
  24. Noun.  The place where a wild animal lives or rests.
  25. Abbreviation of raden, lord, a term of respect for one of the Javanese noble class