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demur 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
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demurred, past tense; demurred, past participle; demurs, 3rd person singular present; demurring, present participle;
  1. Raise doubts or objections or show reluctance
    • - normally she would have accepted the challenge, but she demurred
  2. Put forward a demurrer

  1. The action or process of objecting to or hesitating over something
    • - they accepted this ruling without demur

  1. (law) a formal objection to an opponent's pleadings
  2. take exception to; "he demurred at my suggestion to work on Saturday"
  3. enter a demurrer
  4. A demurrer is a pleading in a lawsuit that objects to an earlier pleading filed by an opposing party. The word demur means "to object"; a demurrer is the document that makes the objection. ...
  5. Stop; pause; hesitation as to proceeding; suspense of decision or action; scruple; To linger; to stay; to tarry; To delay; to pause; to suspend proceedings or judgment in view of a doubt or difficulty; to hesitate; to put off the determination or conclusion of an affair; To scruple or object; ...
  6. To dispute a legal PLEADING or a statement of the facts being alleged through the use of a demurrer.
  7. de·mur (dî-műrą) verb, intransitive de·murred, de·mur·ring, de·murs 1. To voice opposition; object: demurred at the suggestion. 2. Law. To enter a demurrer. 3. To delay. noun 1. The act of demurring. 2. An objection. 3. A delay. ...
  8. (v) - to question; to oppose