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demilitarize 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
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demilitarises, 3rd person singular present; demilitarised, past tense; demilitarized, past tense; demilitarized, past participle; demilitarised, past participle; demilitarizes, 3rd person singular present; demilitarising, present participle; demilitarizing, present participle;
  1. Remove all military forces from (an area)
    • - a demilitarized zone

  1. do away with the military organization and potential of
  2. disarm: remove offensive capability from
  3. Demilitarisation or demilitarization is the reduction of a nation's army, weapons, or military vehicles to an agreed minimum. Demilitarisation is usually the result of a peace treaty ending a war or a major conflict.
  4. To remove troops from an area; To return an area to civilian control
  5. (demilitarization) The act or process of removing military or otherwise belligerent assets and personnel from a location or situation
  6. (Demilitarization (Demil)) To disarm, neutralize, and accomplish any other action required to render ammunition and explosives innocuous or ineffectual for military use. Reference: DoD 4145.26M
  7. to denature or render safe, as when made inert, inactive, inoperable, non-lethal, non-toxic, or otherwise harmless (eg: removal of explosives from munitions), including neutralization of HAZMAT, disposal of CBR ingredients, and destruction of classified design components. ...