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delude 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
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deludes, 3rd person singular present; deluded, past tense; deluded, past participle; deluding, present participle;
  1. Impose a misleading belief upon (someone); deceive; fool
    • - too many theorists have deluded the public
    • - the poor deluded creature

  1. deceive: be false to; be dishonest with
  2. (delusion) (psychology) an erroneous belief that is held in the face of evidence to the contrary
  3. (delusion) a mistaken or unfounded opinion or idea; "he has delusions of competence"; "his dreams of vast wealth are a hallucination"
  4. (delusion) the act of deluding; deception by creating illusory ideas
  5. A delusion is a fixed belief that is either false, fanciful, or derived from deception. In psychiatry, it is defined to be a belief that is pathological (the result of an illness or illness process) and is held despite evidence to the contrary. ...
  6. (Delusion (1955 film)) Blændværk is a 1955 Danish crime film drama directed by Johan Jacobsen. The film stars Mimi Heinrich.
  7. (Delusions (album)) Delusions is the second album from UK progressive metal band To-Mera. Its style is similar to their debut Transcendental, with a lot of the same aspects as that album.
  8. To deceive someone into believing something which is false
  9. (deluded) Being affected by delusions
  10. (delusion) A false belief that is resistant to confrontation with actual facts; The state of being deluded or misled; That which is falsely or delusively believed or propagated; false belief; error in belief
  11. (Deluded) to believe something that is not true.
  12. (Delusion) A mental factor that arises from inappropriate attention and functions to make the mind unpeaceful and uncontrolled. There are three main delusions: ignorance, desirous attachment, and anger. From these arise all the other delusions, such as jealousy, pride, and deluded doubt. ...
  13. A delusion is a false belief that a person has about himself or the world. The key to a delusion is that the person believes it no matter what. Even when someone shows evidence that the belief is not true, this does not change the person’s belief.
  14. (DELUSION) A false belief that a person maintains in spite of obvious proof or evidence to the contrary.
  15. (Delusion) Irrational belief that cannot be altered by rational argument. In mental illness it is often a false belief that the person is persecuted by others, or is a victim of physical disease.
  16. (delusion) usually refers to “ignorance” (see avidya) which in the Buddhist context refers primarily to ignorance concerning the true nature of reality, Buddha nature, or the teachings of the Buddha.
  17. (DELUSION) A false belief that is resistant to reason or contrary to actual fact. A patient may be convinced, for example, that someone is trying to poison him or her, or that he or she has a fatal illness despite evidence to the contrary.
  18. (DELUSION) Living within the conceptual mind. Living within the cycle of continuous thought.
  19. (Delusion (persecutory, grandiose, somatic, etc.)) A false belief  based on an incorrect view of reality.  There are different types of delusions which are categorized according to the content.
  20. (Delusion) A false belief that is usually an apperception: reflecting the inner turmoil of the mind of the percipient.
  21. (Delusion) A fixed belief unrelated to a youth's cultural and educational background, improbable in nature, and not influenced or changed by reason or contrary experience. Categorized as a thought disorder.
  22. (Delusion) A seriously mistaken belief. Like, seriously. Like my beliefs that my mother and the government had rigged up an entire video system everywhere I went. A pathologically erroneous belief, though the term is used colloquially for non-pathological ideas.
  23. (Delusion) An abnormal mental state characterized by false beliefs that persist despite the facts. People with Alzheimer's may experience delusions that cause them to feel suspicious or paranoid.
  24. (Delusion) Defense system of denial, rationalization, and projection that keeps one from seeing reality. It is experienced by the chemically dependent person and his /her family. Confrontation is necessary to break through the defensive system before delusion is recognized and recovery can begin.
  25. (Delusion) False beliefs associated with various mental illnesses.