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dehydrate 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
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dehydrating, present participle; dehydrated, past tense; dehydrated, past participle; dehydrates, 3rd person singular present;
  1. Cause (a person or a person's body) to lose a large amount of water
    • - his body temperature was high, and he had become dehydrated
  2. Lose a large amount of water from the body

  3. Remove water from (food) in order to preserve and store it
    • - dehydrated mashed potatoes

  1. preserve by removing all water and liquids from; "carry dehydrated food on your camping trip"
  2. remove water from; "All this exercise and sweating has dehydrated me"
  3. exsiccate: lose water or moisture; "In the desert, you get dehydrated very quickly"
  4. (dehydrated) suffering from excessive loss of water from the body; "fever resulted from becoming dehydrated"; "was dehydrated after the marathon"
  5. (dehydrated) dried: preserved by removing natural moisture; "dried beef"; "dried fruit"; "dehydrated eggs"; "shredded and desiccated coconut meat"
  6. (dehydration) dryness resulting from the removal of water
  7. (Dehydrated.) Dehydration (hypohydration) is defined as an excessive loss of body fluid. It is literally the removal of water (ὕδωρ|hýdōr) from an object, however in physiological terms, it entails a deficiency of fluid within an organism.
  8. (Dehydration (chemistry)) In chemistry and the biological sciences, a dehydration reaction is usually defined as a chemical reaction that involves the loss of water from the reacting molecule. Dehydration reactions are a subset of elimination reactions. ...
  9. (Dehydration (food)) Drying is a method of food preservation that works by removing water from the food, which inhibits the growth of microorganisms and hinders quality decay. Drying food using sun and wind to prevent spoilage has been practised since ancient times. ...
  10. (Dehydrated [xyz]) dried [xyz=animal or plant material]; not heated beyond a point of denaturizing the nutrients in the product
  11. (Dehydrated) Food that has had the water removed through heat (such as being in the sun, or through a manufacturing process). See also Freeze Dried.
  12. (Dehydrated) comes in the form of raw and cooked. Products are usually air dried to reduce moisture to the level where bacterial growths are inhibited. The appearance is very similar to dry kibbles. The typical feeding methods include adding warm water before serving.
  13. (dehydrated) Having insufficient water in the body or tissues.
  14. (Dehydrating) The method used to preserve meat, which creates jerky.
  15. (Dehydrating) The removal of water by a filtering or settling process. Water in most light petroleum products will settle out if product is allowed to stand undisturbed for 12 to 24 hours. If the light product is in a storage tank, the excess water may be withdrawn through a water drawoff valve. ...
  16. (Dehydration) the abnormal depletion of body fluids, easily detected by dark, concentrated urine. Prevented by drinking water or sports drinks before, during and after exercise. When you are fully hydrated, urine is plentiful, pale and odorless.
  17. (Dehydration) Lack of adequate fluid in the body. A crucial factor in the health of older people.
  18. (dehydration) The condition that results from excessive loss of body water.
  19. (Dehydration) Great loss of body water. A very high level of glucose (sugar) in the urine causes loss of a great deal of water, and the person becomes very thirsty.
  20. (Dehydration) The loss of too much body fluid through frequent urinating, sweating, diarrhea or vomiting.
  21. (Dehydration) Not enough water in the body.
  22. (Dehydration) is a state in which there is excessive loss of water from body tissues. It can occur when the blood sugar levels are high for long periods of time. It can also result from inadequate water intake, or excessive sweating, vomiting or diarrhea. ...
  23. (Dehydration) Condition in which the body does not have as much water and fluids as it should.
  24. (Dehydration) Occurs when there is not enough fluid in the body.  This may happen with decreased fluid intake and increased fluid losses due to things such as diarrhoea, vomiting and excessive sweating.
  25. (Dehydration) is when you lose too much water from your body through sickness, sweat, or diarrhoea. It can also be caused by not drinking enough water / soft drinks