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dehumanize 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
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dehumanizes, 3rd person singular present; dehumanized, past tense; dehumanized, past participle; dehumanising, present participle; dehumanizing, present participle; dehumanised, past tense; dehumanised, past participle; dehumanises, 3rd person singular present;
  1. Deprive of positive human qualities
    • - the dehumanizing effects of war

  1. deprive of human qualities; "Life in poverty has dehumanized them"
  2. make mechanical or routine
  3. (dehumanization) the act of degrading people with respect to their best qualities; "science has been blamed for the dehumanization of modern life"
  4. (Dehumanized (Disturbed song)) "Stricken" is a song by American rock band Disturbed from Chicago. The song was released on July 25, 2005 as the lead single from their third studio album Ten Thousand Fists. ...
  5. (Dehumanizes) Dehumanization is the process by which members of a group of people assert the "inferiority" of another group through subtle or overt acts or statements. ...
  6. (Dehumanization (album)) Dehumanization is the only full-length album released by American hardcore punk band Crucifix. Released in 1983, it is today regarded as one of the classic anarcho-punk records, as well as an important D-beat record.
  7. To take away humanity, to remove or deny human qualities, characteristics, or attributes
  8. (Dehumanization) "killing" the humanity of another. It is the process of depriving others of human qualities, personality, or spirit.
  9. (Dehumanization) The Nazi policy of denying Jews basic civil rights such as practicing religion , education, and adequate housing.
  10. (Dehumanization) is to make somebody less human by taking away his or her individuality, the creative and interesting aspects of his or her personality, or his or her compassion and sensitivity towards others. ...