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deflate 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
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deflated, past participle; deflates, 3rd person singular present; deflating, present participle; deflated, past tense;
  1. Let air or gas out of (a tire, balloon, or similar object)
    • - he deflated one of the tires
  2. Be emptied of air or gas
    • - the balloon deflated
  3. Cause (someone) to suddenly lose confidence or feel less important
    • - the news left him feeling utterly deflated
  4. Reduce the level of (an emotion or feeling)
    • - her anger was deflated
  5. Bring about a general reduction of price levels in (an economy)

  1. collapse by releasing contained air or gas; "deflate a balloon"
  2. reduce or lessen the size or importance of; "The bad review of his work deflated his self-confidence"
  3. produce deflation in; "The new measures deflated the economy"
  4. reduce or cut back the amount or availability of, creating a decline in value or prices; "deflate the currency"
  5. become deflated or flaccid, as by losing air; "The balloons deflated"
  6. (deflated) chapfallen: brought low in spirit; "left us fatigued and deflated spiritually"
  7. Deflate is a lossless data compression algorithm that uses a combination of the LZ77 algorithm and Huffman coding. It was originally defined by Phil Katz for version 2 of his PKZIP archiving tool, and was later specified in RFC 1951.
  8. (Deflating) In computer science, in the context of data storage and transmission, serialization is the process of converting a data structure or object into a sequence of bits so that it can be stored in a file or memory buffer, or transmitted across a network connection link to be "resurrected" ...
  9. (Deflation (2001 film)) Deflation (2001) is a micro-budget short film, written and directed by Roger Ashton-Griffiths. It stars Del Synnott, features Keira Knightley, who also worked as part of the crew, and Sharman Macdonald, her mother, who co-edited
  10. (Deflation (economics)) In economics, deflation is a decrease in the general price level of goods and services. ...
  11. To cause an object to decrease or become smaller in some parameter, e.g. to shrink; (economics) To reduce the amount of available currency or credit and thus lower prices; To become deflated; To let down or disappoint
  12. (DEFLATED) a wobbly-edged balloon used to suggest soft or "weak" speech. Usually has slightly smaller text inside. (See Fig. 3)
  13. (Deflated) An extracted archive file. See Archive.
  14. (Deflated) Dog is not intensely pointing its birds.
  15. (Deflation) a slowing of the economy characterized by falling prices and wages; the reverse of inflation.
  16. (Deflation) a decrease in prices over a period of time
  17. (Deflation) A phase of the business cycle during which consumer spending is seriously curtailed, bank loans contract and the amount of money in circulation is reduced.
  18. (deflation) Removal of loose material by wind.
  19. Deflation is a reduction in the level of national income and output, usually accompanied by a fall in the general price level.
  20. (Deflation) The removal of clay and dust from dry soil by strong winds.
  21. (deflation (wind-erosion)) wind-erosion (deflation) is the detachment and transport of fine solid particles (soil, sediment or rock) by wind action. Its stages are detachment, abrasion, deposition and accumulation of the transported material. ...
  22. (Deflation) The opposite of inflation, deflation is the reduction in the price of goods and services. Deflation can be caused by a decrease in the supply of money or credit, or by a reduction in spending by individuals or the government.
  23. (Deflation) Reduction in the price of goods and services. Deflation occurs when there is an outright decline in the consumer price index (CPI) or producer price index (PPI). ...
  24. (deflation) a large decrease in the quantity of money in the economy, which results in an increase in the purchasing power of a monetary unit
  25. (Deflation) The economic condition of falling prices for goods and services. It is the inverse to inflation - an increasing buying power of cash and a substantially reduced amount of currency in circulation.