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defaults, plural;
  1. Fail to fulfill an obligation, esp. to repay a loan or to appear in a court of law
    • - some had defaulted on student loans
  2. Declare (a party) in default and give judgment against that party
    • - the possibility that cases would be defaulted and defendants released
  3. (of a computer program or other mechanism) Revert automatically to (a preselected option)
    • - when you start a fresh letter, the system will default to its own style
  1. Failure to fulfill an obligation, esp. to repay a loan or appear in a court of law
    • - it will have to restructure its debts to avoid default
  2. A preselected option adopted by a computer program or other mechanism when no alternative is specified by the user or programmer
    • - the default is fifty lines
    • - default settings

  1. fail to pay up
  2. loss due to not showing up; "he lost the game by default"
  3. act of failing to meet a financial obligation
  4. nonpayment: loss resulting from failure of a debt to be paid
  5. default option: an option that is selected automatically unless an alternative is specified
  6. Default is a Canadian post-grunge/alternative rock band from Vancouver, British Columbia. Since forming in 1999 they have released four albums, and have sold more than a million records. ...
  7. A default, in computer science, refers to a setting or value automatically assigned to a software application, computer program or device, outside of user intervention. Such settings are also called presets, especially for electronic devices. ...
  8. In finance, default occurs when a debtor has not met his or her legal obligations according to the debt contract, e.g. has not made a scheduled payment, or has violated a loan covenant (condition) of the debt contract. A default is the failure to pay back a loan. ...
  9. In law, a default is the failure to do something required by law or to appear at a required time in legal proceedings.
  10. (Defaults (software)) defaults is a command line utility that manipulates plist files. defaults is present in the Mac OS X and GNUstep operating systems, and it first appeared in the NeXTStep operating system upon which both of the aforementioned systems are based. ...
  11. The condition of failing to meet an obligation; A loss incurred by failing to compete; A selection made in the absence of an alternative; A value used when none has been given; a tentative value or standard that is presumed; The failure of a defendant to appear and answer a summons and ...
  12. (Defaulted) A patient who has not collected drugs for more than 2 months, but became (or remained) smear-negative before he stopped treatment.
  13. (Defaults) If you have defaulted on a loan or mortgage it means that you are more than 30 days behind the date your repayment was due. This will be marked on your credit record and would lead to a CCJ if no payment was received or received very late.
  14. (Defaults) A default is a record on your credit rating of a missed payment. It can be recorded for any type of credit, including mortgage, store card, credit card, gas or utility bill etc.
  15. (Defaults) A default occurs when a team does not show up within the allotted time period before a game. Each default results in the loss of $25.00 of the performance bond and two defaults result in elimination from the league, tournament and/or special event. ...
  16. (Defaults) A note on credit reference agencies files to show non payment of a credit agreement, loan or mortgage
  17. (Defaults) A pre-set way that a computer performs certain operations unless a user instructs it to do otherwise.
  18. (Defaults) Ad networks use this term to describe the ads served to fill unsold inventory space. These usually include lower-paying, non-paying or community service ads. Members of larger ad networks are usually offered a choice of defaults should they fail to sell all of their inventory.
  19. (Defaults) All de things de matter with de swing
  21. (Defaults) Payments on a credit agreement that haven't been made according to a creditor's payment requirements. Over time, defaults can lead to County Court Judgements.
  22. (Defaults) Simply a record placed by a bank or other financial institution when you take out a loan / credit card agreement which you have not paid stating you have not maintained your payments. ...
  23. (Defaults) The settings of software configuration or hardware configuration to a standard set of values for the user.
  24. (Defaults) Usually the stage prior to a CCJ, where financial agreements for regular payments have not been kept. ...
  25. Failure to make mortgage payments on a timely basis or to comply with other requirements of a mortgage.