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deface 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
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defacing, present participle; defaces, 3rd person singular present; defaced, past tense; defaced, past participle;
  1. Spoil the surface or appearance of (something), e.g., by drawing or writing on it
    • - he defaced library books
  2. Mar; disfigure
    • - the canyon's spectacular limestone walls have been defaced by the reservoir

  1. mar or spoil the appearance of; "scars defaced her cheeks"; "The vandals disfigured the statue"
  2. Deface is unique in that it is the first American-made film in which the entire narrative takes place in North Korea, with a fully Asian American cast. The film is subtitled in English with the actors speaking Korean with a North Korean dialect.
  3. To damage something, espacially a surface, in a visible or conspicuous manner; To void or devalue; to nullify or degrade the face value; To alter a coat of arms or a flag by adding an element to it
  4. (Defacing) differencing a flag by adding something to it, such as a charge, a badge, or writing. Used especially on colonial flags. Note that this term does not have the usual meaning of "vandalizing" when used in vexillology.
  5. 1. (v) In UK usage and some others, a term for the addition of any authorised (or apparently authorized) emblem, badge, shield, charge or device to a flag (see also ‘archivexillum’, ‘badge’, ‘charge’, 'device', ‘emblem’ ‘shield’) and 'undefaced'.
  6. 1) To apply a design or device to a flag of an established motif.  Defacing a flag does not in itself represent disrespect, although it may be done for that purpose.  2) Disfiguring or damaging a flag.
  7. To add a "badge" to an existing flag.