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decoys, plural;
  1. Lure or entice (a person or animal) away from an intended course, typically into a trap
    • - they would try to decoy the enemy toward the hidden group
  1. A bird or mammal, or an imitation of one, used by hunters to attract other birds or mammals
    • - a decoy duck
  2. A person or thing used to lure an animal or person into a trap

  3. A fake or nonworking article, esp. a weapon, used to mislead or misdirect

  4. A pond from which narrow netted channels lead, into which wild ducks may be enticed for capture

  1. a beguiler who leads someone into danger (usually as part of a plot)
  2. lure or entrap with or as if with a decoy
  3. bait: something used to lure fish or other animals into danger so they can be trapped or killed
  4. A decoy is usually a person, device or event meant as a distraction to conceal what an individual or a group might be looking for. Decoys have been used for centuries most notably in game hunting, but also in wartime and in the committing or resolving of crimes.
  5. Decoy is a 1984 album by jazz musician Miles Davis.
  6. In chess, decoying is the tactic of ensnaring a piece, usually the king or queen, by forcing it to move to a poisoned square with a sacrifice on that square.
  7. Decoy is an EP by the Santa Cruz, California-based hardcore punk band Good Riddance. It was released August 26, 1995 through Fat Wreck Chords, six months after their debut album For God and Country, which included the EP's title track, "Decoy". ...
  8. Decoy is a 1946 American film noir. Directed by Jack Bernhard, the film stars Jean Gillie, Edward Norris, Robert Armstrong, Henry Rudley, Sheldon Leonard and Marjorie Woodwarth. ...
  9. Decoy (also titled Decoy Police Woman) is a groundbreaking American crime drama television series which was created for syndication and initially broadcast from October 14, 1957 to July 7, 1958, lasting for thirty nine 30-minute black-and-white episodes. ...
  10. The Decoy is a 1916 American silent short drama directed by and starring William Garwood, Edward Brady, Lois Wilson, Jack Connolly, and Frank MacQuarrie.
  11. A person or object meant to lure something to danger; A real or fake animal used by hunters to lure game; To act or use a decoy
  12. (Decoys) These artificial birds, used to attract turkeys into firing range, come in several styles from photo-image silhouettes to foldouts and inflatables. A typical decoy setup includes a pair of hens and a single jake. Before hunting, check and follow state regulations regarding decoy use.
  13. An offensive play meant to disguise the spiker who will receive the set.
  14. A dummy or imitation copy used to deceive the enemy.
  15. Duck decoys are ponds or other bodies of water designed to attract and trap wildfowl. Attached to the ponds are a number of narrow curving channels, known as pipes, which were covered with nets; wildfowl were lured into these and captured. ...
  16. Deception strategy in which a player that is not going to hit the ball jumps at the same time as a player actually receiving the set.
  17. a diversion, as in the model game Morphy-Meek.
  18. A unique name inserted into a mailing list to track the usage of the list. Also known as a “Seed Address”.
  19. Most people know about wooden duck decoys, but decoys have lured many other species to their deaths. A decoy is a live bird or an effigy of a bird used to attract other birds either for capture or shooting. This is effective because many birds are flock animals. ...
  20. Name included in a mailing list to catch people who disregard the terms of the list rental agreement. If the agreement is a one-time rental and the renter mails to the list more than once, the decoy will receive the mailing and inform the list owner.
  21. Also known as a dummy, a record unique to a database inserted as a control to flag what was mailed, at what time, and by whom.
  22. A dummy designed to lure game, especially waterfowl & foxes, within shooting range.
  23. Any or all the players that never play a game during the whole season but come to practice and practice very hard.
  24. A fictitious name with a real address placed in a mailing list for monitoring purposes (also Dummy).
  25. strategy to tempt an opposing player’s chess piece to an undesirable square.