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decoupage 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
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The decoration of the surface of an object with paper cut-outs, which is then usu. varnished or lacquered,
  1. The decoration of the surface of an object with paper cut-outs, which is then usu. varnished or lacquered

  1. art produced by decorating a surface with cutouts and then coating it with several layers of varnish or lacquer
  2. Decoupage (or découpage) is the art of decorating an object by gluing colored paper cutouts onto it in combination with special paint effects, gold leaf and so on. ...
  3. An art technique in which paper cut outs (either from magazines etc or specially made) are glued onto the surface of an object and sometimes painted or decorated; An artwork made by this technique; To perform or use the art technique of decoupage
  4. Decoration of a surface by covering it completely with cut out paper forms. The process used in making collages.
  5. the Victorian craft of cutting out motifs from paper gluing them to a surface and covering with as many layers of varnish as is required to give a completely smooth finish.
  6. Cutouts of paper or other materials applied to various surfaces, then varnished for permanence.
  7. The act of cutting out paper designs and applying them to a surface to make an all over collage.
  8. It is like collage in that you are taking bits and pieces of paper and in some cases other flat materials and arranging them into a design. Once you have pasted all the pieces into place you apply a coating of lacquer or varnish to the top. ...
  9. Uses cut out images that are glued to a surface, usually an object, and then covered with coats of vanish or lacquer. Découpage comes from the French word découper, ‘to cut out’.
  10. In film, decoupage refers to the editing process and literally translated, means 'to cut up'. However, it usually indicates a particular style of editing, in which the transitions between shots lends continuity to the narrative.
  11. The technique of decorating an object with cut-outs of paper or other flat materials over which varnish or lacquer is applied.
  12. the design of the film, arrangement of its shots. "Decoupage classique" is the French term for the old Hollywood style of seamless narration.
  13. From the French, "to cut. up." The breakdown of a dramatic action into its constituent shots. See Editing.
  14. Decoupage is a technique used to decorate cards. It is a technique where you build up a 3D picture using several pictures as layers.
  15. The technique of decorating an item with pieces of paper.  The paper is adhered to boxes, candy tins, chipboard letters using a sealant such as Mod Podge^®.
  16. Animal Templates (enlarge the whale template 113 percent for the step stool)