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decompress 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
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decompressing, present participle; decompressed, past tense; decompresses, 3rd person singular present; decompressed, past participle;
  1. Relieve of compressing forces, in particular

  2. Expand (compressed computer data) to its normal size so that it can be read and processed by a computer

  3. Subject (a diver) to decompression

  4. Calm down and relax
    • - Michael sits for a minute to decompress before walking home

  1. restore to its uncompressed form; "decompress data"
  2. depressurize: decrease the pressure of; "depressurize the cabin in the air plane"
  3. relax: become less tense, rest, or take one's ease; "He relaxed in the hot tub"; "Let's all relax after a hard day's work"
  4. (decompressing) decompression: relieving pressure (especially bringing a compressed person gradually back to atmospheric pressure)
  5. (Decompression (comics)) In comics, decompression is a stylistic storytelling choice characterized by a strong emphasis on visuals or character interaction, which, in turn, usually leads to slower-moving plots.
  6. (Decompression (The Outer Limits)) "Decompression" is the 13th episode of season six of The Outer Limits. It first aired on July 30, 2000.
  7. (Decompression) A decrease in pressure from the surrounding water that occurs with decreasing diving depth.
  8. (Decompression) Used to describe the equalization of gas in body tissues once they have been saturated with nitrogen.
  9. (Decompression) Is an operation to relieve the pressure on the spinal cord or nerve roots.
  10. (DECOMPRESSION) The act of re-adjusting to the default world after leaving Burning Man.
  11. (DECOMPRESSION) When the pressure in a hydraulic system drops. Normally the change occurs in a controlled amount of time to cause an even release of energy in the system.
  12. (Decompression) A form of chiropractic traction using a device that stretches and releases the spine while the patient lies facedown. Decompression is often times used to treat arthritis, herniated and bulging discs while improving circulation.
  13. (Decompression) A party held one month after Burning Man to give participants a brief chance to return to Black Rock City. Offers relief from the Reality Bends.
  14. (Decompression) A surgical procedure in which various tissue or bone fragments that compress the spinal cord and, in turn, compromise cord function are removed.
  15. (Decompression) A type of spine surgery that takes pressure off (decompresses) your spinal cord and/or nerve roots; surgeon will remove parts of your spine that are pressing on nerves and causing pain or other symptoms.
  16. (Decompression) In spine surgery, the term refers to the lessening of pressure on a nerve root, spinal nerve or the spinal chord. This is also a manual therapy term referring to the lessening of pressure on a nerve or joint through manual traction.
  17. (Decompression) Parties held in various towns (started in S.F.) about a month after the event where people show up in costume and the art cars come out to relive the experience on a very small scale. Great for photographers because of the tight spaces and overlap/juxtaposition of people. ...
  18. Decompression is a general medical term that is often used in surgical procedures which aim to decrease the pressure on a certain area of the nervous system. For example, a decompressive craniectomy is the removal of a piece of skull to allow the brain to expand after an injury. ...
  19. Restore a previously compressed piece of computer data to its original size (i.e. after moving it over a network).
  20. The restoration of a group of compressed files to their original size.
  21. To return compressed data to its original size and condition.
  22. Technical style of jumping where the rider tries to stay as low as possible over the jump so that he can get back on the ground as soon as  possible.
  23. To remove material to give more space for another structure.
  24. (1) Perform the opposite of the sign SUMMARIZE. (2) (2h)[Bb], POs towards signer; DH is held above NDH and touching. The hands separate with the DH moving upwards and the ND downwards while the HSs open to (2h)[4].