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decapitate 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
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decapitated, past participle; decapitated, past tense; decapitating, present participle; decapitates, 3rd person singular present;
  1. Cut off the head of (a person or animal)
    • - how to decapitate a snapping turtle
    • - a decapitated body
  2. Cut the end or top from (something)

  3. Attempt to undermine (a group or organization) by removing its leaders
    • - Italy's organized-crime network was decapitated when the godfather of the Sicilian Mafia was arrested

  1. cut the head of; "the French King was beheaded during the Revolution"
  2. (decapitated) beheaded: having had the head cut off; "the beheaded prisoners"
  3. (decapitation) execution by cutting off the victim's head
  4. (Decapitated (band)) Decapitated is a death metal band that formed in Krosno, Poland in 1996. The band was founded by guitarist Wacław "Vogg" Kiełtyka, his brother, drummer Witold "Vitek" Kiełtyka. ...
  5. To remove the head of
  6. (Decapitation) The act of beheading a person, usually instantly such as with a large and heavy knife or by guillotine, as a form of capital punishment. This form of capital punishment is still in use in some Arab countries, notably Saudi Arabia.
  7. (Decapitation) The widely-held belief that Iraqi resistance would collapse once President Saddam Hussein had been toppled
  8. (Decapitation) a killing method in which the head is quickly cut from the body. Like cervical dislocation, the goal is to quickly separate the spinal cord from the brain to provide a fast and painless death. ...
  9. (Decapitation) n. Removing a hat with a bill on it.
  10. (Decapitation) suggests you are refusing to see the truth. You need to confront the situation or the person despite the pain.
  11. (decapitation) Untimely defoliation of a developing flowering culm in a manner which removes the shoot primordium.
  12. (decapitation) the single bullet theory to conquering Iraq, whereby assassinating Saddam Hussein would have also killed off his regime and delivered instant victory to the coalition