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decamp 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
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decamped, past participle; decamping, present participle; decamps, 3rd person singular present; decamped, past tense;
  1. Depart suddenly, esp. to relocate one's business or household in another area
    • - now he has decamped to Hollywood
  2. Abscond hurriedly to avoid prosecution or detection
    • - the copyists sold the originals and decamped with the proceeds
  3. Break up or leave a military camp
    • - the armies of both chiefs had decamped

  1. leave a camp; "The hikers decamped before dawn"
  2. abscond: run away; usually includes taking something or somebody along; "The thief made off with our silver"; "the accountant absconded with the cash from the safe"
  3. leave suddenly; "She persuaded him to decamp"; "skip town"
  4. Alexandre-Gabriel Decamps (March 3, 1803 – August 22, 1860) was a French painter.
  5. To break up camp and move on; To disappear suddenly and secretly
  6. (decamped) de·camp (dî-kŕmpą) verb, intransitive de·camped, de·camp·ing, de·camps 1. To depart secretly or suddenly. 2. To depart from a camp or camping ground. [French décamper, from Old French descamper, to strike camp : des-, de- + camper, to camp (from camp, camp] . de·campąment noun
  7. To walk away. A female Drosophila that is unreceptive to a courting male decamps as part of her rejection behavior.
  8. to pack up equipment and leave a campground, to disassemble, dismantle, break-down, take-down and remove; being the opposite of "encamp". ...