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debunk 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
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debunked, past tense; debunked, past participle; debunking, present participle; debunks, 3rd person singular present;
  1. Expose the falseness or hollowness of (a myth, idea, or belief)
    • - the magazine that debunks claims of the paranormal
  2. Reduce the inflated reputation of (someone), esp. by ridicule
    • - comedy takes delight in debunking heroes

  1. expose while ridiculing; especially of pretentious or false claims and ideas; "The physicist debunked the psychic's claims"
  2. (debunking) repudiation: the exposure of falseness or pretensions; "the debunking of religion has been too successful"
  3. A debunker is an individual who discredits and exposes claims as being false, exaggerated or pretentious. "to expose or excoriate (a claim, assertion, sentiment, etc.) as being pretentious, false, or exaggerated: to debunk advertising slogans. ...
  4. To discredit, or expose to ridicule the falsehood or the exaggerated claims of something
  5. (Debunking) Covert-suppressing of truths Elite want buried.  See Richard Dawkins comes to call  for Telepathy. Dawkins and Randi spring to mind, along with Quackbusters and Skeptics.
  6. (Debunking) social constructivism. This is the skeptical position according to which the findings of work in the sciences are determined exclusively, or in large measure, not by the "facts," but instead by relations of social power within the scientific community and the broader community within ...
  7. (Debunking) the process that is used in ghost hunting to find a logical, physical explanation for a reported paranormal incident. E.g., a report of a ghost knocking turning out to be rattling pipes
  8. To find a rational and logical explanation for reported experiences rather than assume that they are paranormal in nature.
  9. To find a "normal" or alternative explanation to an event that, at first, appears to be paranormal in origin.
  10. exposing a claim (of a paranormal or supernatural nature in this case) as false or exaggerated
  11. Reported paranormal evidence or paranormal activity is said to be "debunked" when a simple, logical and non-paranormal explanation can account for the reported event(s). ...
  12. to disprove a claim of paranormal activity through measurable, demonstrable, scientific proof.