- put someone through a debriefing and make him report; "The released hostages were debriefed"
- (debriefing) report of a mission or task
- A debriefing or psychological debriefing is a one-time, semi-structured conversation with an individual who has just experienced a stressful or traumatic event. ...
- To question someone after a military mission in order to obtain intelligence; To question someone, or a group of people, after the implementation of a project in order to learn from mistakes etc; To inform subjects of an experiment about what has happened in a complete and accurate manner
- (Debriefing) The process of informing research participant(s) of the actual purpose of the research, furnishing additional information regarding the research and providing an additional opportunity to withdraw data provided by the participant. ...
- (debriefing) an ethical procedure that occurs at the end of a study, whereby participants are given as much information as possible about the study, are given the option to discuss their experience of the study, to ensure that participants leave the experiment in the same emotional state as ...
- (DEBRIEFING) A meeting after a search or after a team has been called in, in which all information found is disclosed and where suggestions can be made for the future.
- (DEBRIEFING) This term describes the careful guidance by the teacher to get students to focus on the process of how they accomplished a learning task. ...
- (Debriefing) A facilitated session to provide staff intervening in a crisis with an opportunity to discuss and process crisis-related events. The purpose of debriefing is to provide support, recognition and information.
- (Debriefing) A mechanism used to furnish information to unsuccessful offerors about the selection decision and the contract award. Debriefing can either be pre or post award and follow the regulations at FAR 15.505 (Preaward) or FAR 15.506 (Postaward).
- (Debriefing) After an intense roleplaying session, it is advisable for players and GM to discuss the in-game events out-of-character, to gain emotional distance from their characters and resolve any lingering issues. If done formally, this is often referred to as the post-game debrief.
- (Debriefing) An in-depth conversation with interviewers at the conclusion of a study. The interviewer plays back his/her impressions of the respondent's feelings about specific questions. This technique is often used immediately after a pre-test of a questionnaire. ...
- (Debriefing) Post-research explanations of the projects that ensure that participants fully understand what has occurred in the course of the project, including ensuring that any negative outcomes are identified and worked through.
- (Debriefing) a process that encourages both personal reflection and self-disclosure. It is accomplished in various ways and is an essential part of Transference.
- (Debriefing) is an alternative term for After Action Reviews. See also, Briefing, Knowledge management, Mind maps, Narrative.
- (Debriefing) is the systematic effort to obtain information to answer specific collection requirements by direct and indirect questioning techniques of a person not in the custody of the forces conducting the questioning. The two primary categories of sources for debriefing are U.S. ...
- (debriefing) Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Aenean a diam sed erat pharetra gravida in ac mauris. Fusce tempus faucibus venenatis. Sed egestas vestibulum libero, et tempor urna pellentesque fringilla. ...
- (debriefing) Process of informing a person his need-to-know for access is terminated. [DSS] (see also access)
- (debriefing) Providing a complete explanation of research that has involved deception
- The group process whereby participants reflect on an experience in order to capture key learnings.
- refers to the process of advising unsuccessful respondents, on a no commitment basis, of deficiencies in their bids which, if remedied, would make them more competitive for future needs.
- The presentation of research findings to clients.
- an after-action interrogation, often conversational, of operational leaders and select participants, in order to assess the conduct and results of a mission; to systematically inquire in order to obtain useful information or intelligence; see AAR, FLUTTER, SWEAT; compare BRIEF-BACK, BRIEFING. ...
- A formal and systematic way of analyzing learning particularly after an educational game or simulation
- Giving participants previously undisclosed information about the research project following completion of their participation in research. ...