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debouch 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
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debouches, 3rd person singular present; debouched, past participle; debouching, present participle; debouched, past tense;
  1. Emerge from a narrow or confined space into a wide, open area
    • - the soldiers debouched from their jeeps and dispersed among the trees
    • - the stream finally debouches into a silent pool

  1. march out (as from a defile) into open ground; "The regiments debouched from the valley"
  2. pass out or emerge; especially of rivers; "The tributary debouched into the big river"
  3. In geography, a debouch is a place where a body of water pours forth from a narrow opening. Some examples are where a stream emerges from a narrow place like a defile into open country or a wider space; a creek joins a river; or a stream flows into a lake.
  4. verb - 1. [military] to come forth from a narrow or shut-in place into open country 2. to come forth; to emerge (N.B. a debouche is an outlet, as for troops to debouch through, and a debouchment is a mouth, as of a river; an outlet)