- an accounting entry acknowledging sums that are owing
- enter as debit
- Debit and credit are formal bookkeeping and accounting terms. They are the most fundamental concepts in accounting, representing the two sides of each individual transaction recorded in any accounting system. ...
- In bookkeeping, an entry in the left hand column of an account to record a debt; A sum of money taken out of an account; To make an entry on the debit side of an account; To remove a sum of money from an account as a payment; of or relating to process of taking money from an account; of or ...
- (Debits) At least one component of every accounting transaction (journal entry) is a debit. Debits increase assets and decrease liabilities and equity.
- (debits) In the numerical rating system, debits represent underwriting factors that have an unfavorable effect on an individual's mortality rating. Debits are assigned positive values. See also credits and numerical rating system.
- A bookkeeping term for a sum of money owed by an individual or institution; a charge deducted from an account.
- Money paid out from an account either from a withdrawal or a transaction that results in decreasing the cash balance.
- an amount deducted from an account. In banking it can include checks, ATM withdrawals, point of purchase payments, Check Card purchases and more.
- An expense, or money paid out from an account. A debit transaction is one in which the net cost is greater than the net sale proceeds.
- In a closing statement or settlement, an item that is charged to a buyer or seller. Compare with credit.
- Debit is an accounting and bookkeeping term that comes from the Latin word debere which means "to owe." The opposite of a debit is a credit. Debit is abbreviated Dr while credit is abbreviated Cr. ...
- n. a sum deducted from a bank account, as for a cheque - also v.
- A debit may be an account entry representing money you owe a lender or money that has been taken from your deposit account.
- A column in a journal or ledger to record the 'To' side of a transaction (eg. if you are paying money into your bank account you would debit the bank when making the journal entry).
- Any item that reduces the balance in your bank account. A check, ATM withdrawal, and Debit Card purchase are all examples of debits.
- Some kind of purchase or transaction (point-of-sale purchase, ATM withdrawal, for example) that charges your bankcard account. These transactions debit or take money from your account.
- Entry on the left side of a double-entry bookkeeping system that represents the addition of an asset or expense or the reduction to a liability or revenue. (See credit.)
- Decreases in an account, such as that which occurs when a check is written against that account.
- The left-hand side of the accounts in double entry.
- A decrease in a checking or savings account balance such as a withdrawal of money.
- The deduction of money from a financial account.
- Amount appears with no sign on FBM0 reports (also see Credit). In double-entry bookkeeping assets and expense accounts, which represent the resources used by the business, are debit accounts. ...
- Recorded as negative (−) in the balance of payments, any transaction that gives rise to a payment out of the country, such as an import, the purchase of an asset (including official reserves), or lending to foreigners. Opposite of credit.
- an account entry with a positive value for assets, and negative value for liabilities and equity.