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debilitate 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
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debilitated, past tense; debilitated, past participle; debilitating, present participle; debilitates, 3rd person singular present;
  1. Make (someone) weak and infirm
    • - a weakness that debilitates him despite his overwhelming physical might
    • - a debilitated patient
  2. Hinder, delay, or weaken
    • - hard drugs destroy families and debilitate communities

  1. enfeeble: make weak; "Life in the camp drained him"
  2. (debilitated) adynamic: lacking strength or vigor
  3. (debilitating) impairing the strength and vitality
  4. (debilitation) serious weakening and loss of energy
  5. To make feeble; to weaken
  6. (debilitated) Weakened; run down, damaged, in disrepair
  7. (debilitation) The act or process of debilitating, or the condition of one who is debilitated; weakness
  8. (debilitated) A condition of defense or economic security characterized by ineffectualness. [CIAO] (see also risk)
  9. (debilitated) said of a planet in fall or detriment or in hard aspect to Mars, Saturn or an outer planet.
  10. (debilitating) weakening or enfeebling.
  11. (Debilitating) To make weaker or more feeble.
  12. (Debilitation) Also known as Neecha. It represents the weakest position of a planet. At this position the auspicious effects of the planet are eliminated unless cancelled by Neecha Bhanga Raja Yoga. ...
  13. (Debilitation) This terms simply refers to the weakening of the lizard. This can refer to the bones, skin, tail or anything that is getting weaker.
  14. To impair the strength or to enfeeble. A chronic progressive disease may debilitate a patient. So may, temporarily, a major surgical procedure. In both cases the weakness is pervasive. Weakness in an arm or leg following the removal of a cast is not debility. ...