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deafen 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
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deafening, present participle; deafened, past tense; deafens, 3rd person singular present; deafened, past participle;
  1. Cause (someone) to lose the power of hearing permanently or temporarily
    • - we were deafened by the explosion
  2. (of a loud noise) Overwhelm (someone) with sound
    • - the roar of the water deafened them
  3. (of a sound) Cause someone to be unaware of (other sounds)
    • - the noise deafened him to Ron's approach

  1. be unbearably loud; "a deafening noise"
  2. make soundproof; "deafen a room"
  3. (deafened) caused to hear poorly or not at all
  4. (deafened (Also known as late-deafened.)) This is both a medical and a sociological term referring to individuals who have become deaf later in life and who may not be able to identify with either the Deaf or the hard of hearing communities.