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daub 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
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daubs, 3rd person singular present; daubed, past participle; daubing, present participle; daubed, past tense;
  1. Coat or smear (a surface) with a thick or sticky substance in a carelessly rough or liberal way
    • - she daubed her face with night cream
  2. Spread (a thick or sticky substance) on a surface in such a way
    • - a canvas with paint daubed on it
  3. Paint (words or drawings) on a surface in such a way
    • - they daubed graffiti on the walls
  1. Plaster, clay, or another substance used for coating a surface, esp. when mixed with straw and applied to laths or wattles to form a wall
    • - square huts, mostly daub and wattle
  2. A patch or smear of a thick or sticky substance
    • - a daub of paint
  3. A painting executed without much skill

  1. plaster: coat with plaster; "daub the wall"
  2. material used to daub walls
  3. apply to a surface; "daub paint onto the wall"
  4. smudge: a blemish made by dirt; "he had a smudge on his cheek"
  5. an unskillful painting
  6. Biskra Ouakda Airport is an airport in Algeria, located approximately 12 km north-northeast of Oumache; about 200 km south-southwest of Constantine.
  7. (Daubs) Wattle and daub (or wattle-and-daub) is a building material used for making walls, in which a woven lattice of wooden strips called wattle is daubed with a sticky material usually made of some combination of wet soil, clay, sand, animal dung and straw. ...
  8. A soft coating of mud, plaster etc; A crude or amateurish painting; To apply something to a surface in hasty or crude strokes
  9. A mud of clay mixture applied over wattle to strengthen and seal it.
  10. un-tempered clay smeared over some rigid structure such as the woven frame (wattle) of a hut in order to keep out draughts. Daub is rarely preserved unless accidentally fired.
  11. Material made of mud, horsehair, clay, and animal dung mixed together. It was applied to houses, covering the wattle.
  12. To coat or plaster the inside of a cupola at the melting zone or the inside of a ladle with a refractory mixture.
  13. Clay used to fill in the holes and gaps between the wood or thatching of a wall. It was used by both Indians and European settlers in North America to construct houses.
  14. a mixture of mud and straw used to plaster walls, usually applied to a wattle fence
  15. {CHS}. As in a card-dauber. A paste or fluid (e.g., India ink or aniline pencil) used to mark the back of playing cards for the purposes of cheating. Also called rouge or smear.
  16. A greasy paste, like make up, that can be used to mark cards during the game.
  17. A soft coating of mud or clay to hold a wall together. It has traditionally been used with wooden sticks known as ‘wattle’ in medieval buildings like Shakespeare House in Stratford-Upon-Avon.
  18. A cheating strategy where the cards are marked/colored for easy identification later.
  19. A mixture of clay, chalk and mud which covers wattle, to form a wall.
  20. earth plaster. See wattle & daub
  21. To paint in course strokes.