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darken 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
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darkened, past participle; darkened, past tense; darkens, 3rd person singular present; darkening, present participle;
  1. Make or become dark or darker
    • - the sky was darkening rapidly
    • - darken the eyebrows with black powder
    • - a darkened room
  2. (of an unpleasant event or state of affairs) Cast a shadow over something; spoil
    • - the abuse darkened the rest of their lives
  3. Make or become gloomy, angry, or unhappy
    • - his mood darkened
  4. (of someone's eyes or expression) Show anger or another strong negative emotion
    • - his face darkened and he lunged away
  5. (of such an emotion) Show in (someone's eyes or expression)
    • - misery darkened her gaze

  1. become dark or darker; "The sky darkened"
  2. tarnish or stain; "a scandal that darkened the family's good name"
  3. (darkened) (of fabrics and paper) grown dark in color over time; "the darkened margins of the paper"
  4. (darkening) blackening: changing to a darker color
  5. Darken is a webcomic set in a Dungeons & Dragons-style fantasy world, featuring a cast of morally ambiguous or outright evil characters led by Gort, a vicious dark knight. It is based on a story by Mike Foulks.
  6. (Darkening (ophthalmology)) Amaurosis (Greek meaning darkening, dark, or obscure) is vision loss or weakness that occurs without an apparent lesion affecting the eye. It may result from either a medical condition or from excess acceleration, as in flight. ...
  7. (Darkening) When book covers are exposed to light, the colour darkens or becomes more intense. See also Fading.
  8. Changes the effect of the foreground and background color properties of a sprite to create dramatic color effects that generally darken and tint a sprite. Darken ink makes the background color equivalent to a color filter through which the sprite is viewed on the Stage. ...
  9. (v) aşham, carsırģa, mudahlanırģa, oŋarģa, qaralırģa, qaraŋı