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dangle 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
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dangled, past tense; dangled, past participle; dangles, 3rd person singular present; dangling, present participle;
  1. Hang or swing loosely
    • - saucepans dangled from a rail
    • - they were dangling their legs over the water
  2. Offer (an enticing incentive) to someone
    • - two rich commissions that had been dangling so sweetly in front of me

  1. hang freely; "the ornaments dangled from the tree"; "The light dropped from the ceiling"
  2. Dangle is a term used in intelligence work to refer to an agent of one intelligence agency or group who pretends to be interested in defecting or turning to another intelligence agency or group.
  3. (Dangles) Usually seen on belly button rings, dangles are any type of adornment on body jewelry that are attached so that they can swing free off of the end of the jewelry.  [top]
  4. (Dangles) Pavel Datsyuk. This one wrote itself.
  5. (dangles) A curved barbell that holds hanging ornaments like beads or gems or fine chains.
  6. Fly, leader and fly-line straight downstream with slack removed.
  7. A project task with no predecessor or successor.
  8. A general term referring to any earring that hangs or dangles from the ear.
  9. The line’s position prior to the cast that is usually downstream of the caster.
  10. Any part of a piece of jewelry that hangs freely and can move with the wearer. Dangles add motion to a piece.
  11. Leave, get lost (Pick-Up, 3)