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curlicue 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
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curlicues, plural;
  1. A decorative curl or twist in calligraphy or in the design of an object

  1. coil: a round shape formed by a series of concentric circles (as formed by leaves or flower petals)
  2. squiggle: a short twisting line
  3. A curlicue, or alternatively curlycue, in the visual arts, is a fancy twist, or curl, composed usually from a series of concentric circles. It is a recurring motif in architecture (as decoration to the lintel/architrave above a door), in calligraphy and in general scrollwork.
  4. A fancy twisting or curling shape made from a series of concentric circles; To make or adorn (something) with curlicues, or as if with curlicues
  5. A decorative curl or twist-