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curdle 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
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curdled, past tense; curdled, past participle; curdling, present participle; curdles, 3rd person singular present;
  1. Separate or cause to separate into curds or lumps
    • - take care not to let the soup boil or it will curdle
    • - making cheese by curdling milk

  1. turn into curds; "curdled milk"
  2. go bad or sour; "The milk curdled"
  3. turn from a liquid to a solid mass; "his blood curdled"
  4. (curdling) the process of forming semisolid lumps in a liquid
  5. Curds are a dairy product obtained by curdling (coagulating) milk with rennet or an edible acidic substance such as lemon juice or vinegar, and then draining off the liquid portion (called whey). ...
  6. (Curdled (film)) Curdled is 1996 black comedy about a Colombian immigrant who takes a crime scene cleanup job, and discovers evidence about a local serial killer dubbed the "Blue Blood Killer" for his targeting of socialites. ...
  7. To form curds so that it no longer flows smoothly; to cause to form such curds. (usually said of milk); To clot or coagulate; to cause to congeal, such as through cold. (metaphorically of blood); To cause a liquid to spoil and form clumps so that it no longer flows smoothly
  8. (Curdling) An early stage in cheesemaking when milk coagulates due to the introduction of rennet.
  9. (Curdling) The gelling or partial cure of paint due to incompatible materials. This usually occurs during the mixing process.
  10. (Curdling) The preliminary stage of cheesemaking in which the solids (curds) are separated from the liquids (whey).
  11. To cause semisolid pieces of coagulated protein to develop in food, usually as a result of the addition of an acid substance, or the overheating of milk or egg-based sauces.
  12. I still remember the first time I was making a cake and the mixture curdled i.e. separated into a liquid and a fat.  The butter and sugar had been beaten together and the eggs were being added.  You look in the bowl and all you see are pieces of fat amongst the liquid mixture. ...
  13. To coagulate or congeal; usually used in reference to milk or other dairy products.
  14. A usually undesirable chemical reaction that occurs when dairy products (milk, cream, sour cream or eggs) are combined with an acid ingredient (wine, vinegar, tomatoes or citrus juice), or when dairy products are overheated or heated too quickly. ...
  15. The state of a liquid or food, such as eggs, to divide into liquid and solids, usually due to the application excess heat.
  16. What happens when minute solids separate from the liquid in an egg or cream-based mixture due to being heated to quickly.
  17. Separation of a milk/cream based sauce or the cooking of eggs when over cooked. Sauces look like egg drop soup when curdled.
  18. Food is curdled when it separates into a liquid containing small solid particles (caused by overcooking).
  19. To cause semisolid pieces of coagulated protein to develop in a dairy product. This can occur when foods such as milk or sour cream are heated to too high a temperature or are combined with an acidic food, such as lemon juice or tomatoes.
  20. Too much heat is usually the culprit when foods curdle, that is, separate into lumps and liquid. Eggs are a particularly vulnerable ingredient. Usually the damage can be repaired either by sieving the curds out or by incorporating the curdled batch into a fresh one.