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cumber 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
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cumbered, past participle; cumbered, past tense; cumbering, present participle; cumbers, 3rd person singular present;
  1. Hamper or hinder (someone or something)
    • - they were cumbered with greatcoats and swords
  2. Obstruct (a path or space)
    • - the road was clean and dry and not still cumbered by slush
  1. A hindrance, obstruction, or burden
    • - a cumber of limestone rocks

  1. restrain: hold back
  2. (dated) To slow down, to hinder, to burden
  3. (CUMBERED) [Lk.10:40] - loaded, crowded, troubled, burdened. [uses in Lk.13:7 - CUMBRETH, and in Deut.1:12 - CUMBRANCE.
  4. An inconvenience or embarrassment.