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cuckold 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
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cuckolds, plural;
  1. (of a man) Make (another man) a cuckold by having a sexual relationship with his wife

  2. (of a man's wife) Make (her husband) a cuckold

  1. The husband of an adulteress, often regarded as an object of derision

  1. a man whose wife committed adultery
  2. cheat on: be sexually unfaithful to one's partner in marriage; "She cheats on her husband"; "Might her husband be wandering?"
  3. Cuckold is a derogatory term for a man whose wife is or has been unfaithful.
  4. The Cuckold is a 2008 drama produced, written, and directed by Jonathan Butler and Cynthia Ambres that deals with issues of race and sexuality.
  5. A man married to an unfaithful wife, especially when he is unaware or unaccepting of the fact; To make a cuckold of someone by being unfaithful, or by seducing his wife
  6. "My wife is cheating on me," Tom cackled.
  7. The husband of an unfaithful wife.