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crud 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
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cruds, plural;
  1. A substance that is disgusting or unpleasant, typically because of its dirtiness

  2. Snow that is not packed down or groomed, on which it is difficult to ski

  3. Nonsense
    • - they just want the simple truth without any religious crud
  4. A contemptible person

  1. heavy wet snow that is unsuitable for skiing
  2. filth: any substance considered disgustingly foul or unpleasant
  3. an ill-defined bodily ailment; "he said he had the crud and needed a doctor"
  4. In computer programming, Create, Read, Update and Delete (CRUD) are the four basic functions of persistent storage. Sometimes CRUD is expanded with the words retrieve instead of read or destroy instead of delete. ...
  5. Crud was a punk rock fanzine edited by Neil Crud from Colwyn Bay, North Wales. It ran up to issue No.8 from 1986 to 1990.
  6. Crud is a fast-paced game loosely based on billiards or pool purported to originate in the Royal Canadian Air Force. ...
  7. dirt, filth or refuse; Something of poor quality; Mixed impurities, especially corrosion products in nuclear reactor fuel; A heavy wet snow on which it is difficult to ski; Crap, excrement; A contemptible person; US military/student term for venereal -, (later) any disease; Non-vulgar ...
  8. Create Read Update and Delete.
  9. A colloquial term for corrosion and wear products (rust particles, etc.) that become radioactive (i.e., activated) when exposed to radiation.
  10. An acronym used in database circles for the four fundamental functions associated with a database, i.e. Create, Read, Update, Delete.
  11. Create, Retrieve, Update, and Delete (sometimes Destroy). The basic functions needed by most data manipulation programs. SQL is very CRUD-like, as is REST.
  12. Create, Read, Update, Delete - generally used to describe a web application with the primary purpose of doing those things. Think of blog software, where you can Create a blog entry, Update or Delete it later, and the Front-End of the site Reads it to display it.
  13. Code that unintentionally appears within the body of a blog post, instead of applying whatever formatting or action that the code was intended to perform. [Back to Index]
  14. Snow of variable consistency because of temperature changes and several snowfalls.
  15. Uneven ruts in crusty snow caused by heavy ski traffic.
  16. To apply a lot of force to a pile during a shot, intending to separate as many winks as possible.
  17. An acronym for Create, Retrieve, Update, Report.  The acronym is similar to USER below and dates from the days when IT was known as Data Processing.  It characterizes applications that are focused primarily on data entry and reporting for a data bases. ...
  18. Wet, heavy, clumpy, cut-up, mashed-potato-like snow, in which turning is difficult.
  19. Varied snow conditions that exist on tracked powder snow or ungroomed spring snow.
  20. a forceful shot whose purpose is to destroy a pile completely
  21. Refers to database operations a user may wish to perform
  22. This covers varieties of snow that all but advanced skiers find impassable. Subtypes are (a) windblown powder with irregularly shaped crust patches and ridges, (b) heavy tracked spring snow re-frozen to leave a deeply rutted surface strewn with loose blocks, (c) a deep layer of heavy snow ...
  23. a very obnoxious skin infection, usually occurs during the hot humid months. One Elder in Marugame once wrote home to his parents and delicately tried to describe his condition (without using the word). ...
  24. CRUD is the suspended and colloidal impurity, mostly of metal oxides, generated in a boiler circuit. The word is said to stand for Corrosion Residue and Undetermined Detritus, or alternatively for something between Crap and Mud.
  25. Highly technical term, like schmutz, used to name the stuff that is in or on the glass in the furnace that shouldn't be. It may be bubbly foam or white chemicals or stones left over from the melting process or coming from damage to the furnace or pot. Stones, chords, seeds