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crossbreed 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
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An animal or plant produced by mating or hybridizing two different species, breeds, or varieties,
  1. Produce (an animal or plant) in this way
    • - a crossbred puppy
  2. Hybridize (a breed, species, or variety) with another

  3. (of an animal or plant) Breed with a different breed, species, or variety

  1. An animal or plant produced by mating or hybridizing two different species, breeds, or varieties
    • - a crossbreed Labrador

  1. hybrid: (genetics) an organism that is the offspring of genetically dissimilar parents or stock; especially offspring produced by breeding plants or animals of different varieties or breeds or species; "a mule is a cross between a horse and a donkey"
  2. (crossbreeding) miscegenation: reproduction by parents of different races (especially by white and non-white persons)
  3. A crossbreed or crossbred usually refers to an animal with purebred parents of two different breeds, varieties, or populations. ...
  4. Crossbreed is a six member industrial metal band from Clearwater, Florida, formed in 1996. They were signed with Artemis Records before being dropped from the label in 2003.
  5. A Crossbreed (A Sport) is a short story by Franz Kafka.
  6. An organism produced by mating of individuals of different varieties or breeds; To produce (an organism) by the mating of individuals of different breeds, varieties, or species; hybridize; To mate so as to produce a hybrid; interbreed; To mate (an organism) with another organism so as to ...
  7. (Crossbreeding) Reproduction between two distinct conspecific gene pools (compare with "hybridization," which generally refers to reproduction between distinct species or higher taxa). ...
  8. (Crossbreeding) the mating of animals of different breeds (or species).  Crossbreeding usually results in heterosis (hybrid vigor).
  9. (Crossbreeding) Mating systems in which two or more breeds are combined, usually in a systematic fashion to make use of heterosis and breed complementarity, e.g. three-breed terminal crossbreeding systems are common in beef cattle and in swine production.
  10. (CROSS-BREEDING) Kang and Kodos once selected Marge to be in their cross-breeding program. Locations for the experiment included: the back seat of a car; an airplane bathroom; a friend's wedding; and the alley behind a porno theatre. ...
  11. (crossbreeding) Mating animals from genetically diverse groups (i.e., breeds) within a species.
  12. A hybrid or the act of creating a hybrid.
  13. The combination of two pedigree varieties.
  14. The act of breeding two similar, but different species together. All offspring produced from these types or pairings are hybrids. An example, would be pairing a Black Ratsnake to a Cornsnake.
  15. The wool of a longwool sheep