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croquet 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
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croquets, plural;
  1. Drive away (an opponent's ball) by holding one's own ball against it and striking this with the mallet. A player is entitled to do this after their ball has struck an opponent's ball

  1. A game played on a lawn, in which colored wooden balls are driven through a series of wickets by means of mallets
    • - a croquet lawn
  2. An act of croqueting a ball

  1. a game in which players hit a wooden ball through a series of hoops; the winner is the first to traverse all the hoops and hit a peg
  2. drive away by hitting with one's ball, "croquet the opponent's ball"
  3. Croquet is a lawn game, played both as a recreational pastime and as a competitive sport. It involves hitting wooden or plastic balls with a mallet through hoops embedded into the grass playing court.
  4. A croquette is a small fried food roll containing usually as main ingredients mashed potatoes, and/or minced meat (veal, beef, chicken, or turkey), shellfish, fish, vegetables, and soaked white bread, egg, onion, spices and herbs, wine, milk, or any of the combination thereof, sometimes with a ...
  5. "Little hook", from the French, probably from the shape of the wire wickets.