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croon 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
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crooned, past participle; croons, 3rd person singular present; crooning, present participle; crooned, past tense;
  1. Hum or sing in a soft, low voice, esp. in a sentimental manner
    • - she was crooning to the child
    • - the female vocalist crooned smoky blues into the microphone
  2. Say in a soft, low voice
    • - “Goodbye, you lovely darling,” she crooned
  1. A soft, low voice or tone
    • - he sang in a gentle, highly expressive croon

  1. sing softly
  2. (crooning) singing in a soft low tone; "her crooning soon put the child to sleep"
  3. (crooning) the act of singing popular songs in a sentimental manner
  4. Crooner is an American epithet given to a male singer of a certain style of popular songs, dubbed pop standards. A crooner is a singer of popular ballads and thus a "balladeer". The singer is normally backed by a full orchestra or big band. ...
  5. The Croonian Lectures are prestigious lectureships given at the invitation of the Royal Society and the Royal College of Physicians.
  6. (crooned) (vb.): To croon is to sing in a low, gentle tone.
  7. (crooning) A style of singing made possible by the invention of the microphone. It involves an intimate approach to vocal timbre.
  8. To sing or hum in a soft, soothing voice. Heard mostly in Classic Jazz music.
  9. 1. to sing in a soft gentle tone 2. to weep and wail (a word with two apparently-contradictory meanings)
  10. An intimate sound, most commonly used by parents to hatchlings.