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crisscross 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
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A pattern of intersecting straight lines or paths,
  1. (of a pattern) Containing a number of straight lines or paths that intersect each other
    • - the streets ran in a regular crisscross pattern
  1. Form a pattern of intersecting lines or paths on (a place)
    • - the green hill was crisscrossed with a network of sheep tracks
  2. (of straight lines or paths) Intersect repeatedly
    • - the smaller streets crisscrossed in a grid pattern
  3. Move or travel around (a place) by going back and forth repeatedly
    • - the President crisscrossed America
  1. A pattern of intersecting straight lines or paths
    • - the crisscross of wrinkles on his face
  1. In a pattern of intersecting straight lines
    • - the swords were strung crisscross on his back

  1. marked with crossing lines
  2. a marking that consists of lines that cross each other
  3. cross in a pattern, often random
  4. crossing one another in opposite directions
  5. CrissCross is a 1992 feature film directed by Chris Menges, based on the novel by Scott Sommer. It stars Goldie Hawn, Arliss Howard, Keith Carradine, Steve Buscemi, and David Arnott. ...
  6. Crisscross is the eighth volume in a series of Repairman Jack books written by American author F. Paul Wilson. ...
  7. Experimental safety belt presented in the Volvo SCC. It forms a cross-brace across the chest.^[2]
  8. Square tiles are bordered on all four sides with contrasting material of a smaller width, resulting in a criss cross pattern when repeated through a room.
  9. A directory, also known as a City Directory, that is frequently used by the debt collection community to find out information about a debtor's neighbors. ...