- an unstable situation of extreme danger or difficulty; "they went bankrupt during the economic crisis"
- a crucial stage or turning point in the course of something; "after the crisis the patient either dies or gets better"
- A crisis (plural: "crises"; adjectival form: "critical") (from the Greek κρίσις) is any unstable and dangerous social situation regarding economic, military, personal, political, or societal affairs, especially one involving an impending abrupt change. ...
- Crisis (1939) is a feature-length documentary about the 1938 Sudeten Crisis. It was released briefly before the Nazi occupation of Czechoslovakia on March 15th, 1939. ...
- Crisis (Kris) is a 1946 Swedish film directed by Ingmar Bergman. The film was Bergman's first feature as director and he also wrote the screenplay, based on a play by Leck Fischer.
- Crisis is a 1950 drama film about an American couple who become embroiled in a revolution. It was based on the short story "The Doubters" by George Tabori.
- Crisis was a British political punk rock group formed in 1977.
- Crisis (formerly Crisis at Christmas) is a charity based in England, which aims to provide support to those who are homeless. Specifically, it is the national charity for single homeless people.
- A critical event, which, if not handled in an appropriate manner, may dramatically impact an organization's profitability, reputation, or ability to operate.
- An emotionally significant event or a radical change in a person's life.
- is a time of danger or great difficulty. A person in crisis may feel out of control or unable to cope (e.g., the person may have difficulty sleeping, eating, paying attention or carrying on a normal routine at work, school or home).
- A state arising when cells lack telomeres of adequate length, resulting in the end-to-end fusion of chromosomes, karyotypic (genetic) chaos, and cell death by apoptosis.
- An adverse incident or series of events that has the potential to seriously damage the University's people, operations, finance or reputation.
- A decisive point in the plot of a play on which the outcome of the remaining actions depends.
- An incident or event with consequences, which pose a significant threat to the strategic objectives of an organization.
- (plural: crises): The turning point of uncertainty and tension resulting from earlier conflict in a plot. At the moment of crisis in a story, it is unclear if the protagonist will succeed or fail in his struggle. ...
- A mental health crisis is a sudden and intense period of severe mental distress.
- Any heightening of tension, whether between characters or in the circumstances of a character with whom we have sympathy. Sometimes an abrupt increase in the tension within ourselves as observers.
- the turning point of plot (closely related to climax which seems to complete its action)
- A time of turmoil or an event (or series of events) that brings specific focus and attention to an organization.
- In Marcia's terminology, a period of conscious decision making related to identity formation.
- Most definitions of an international crisis include (1) a high threat to something valued very highly, (2) surprise, (3) and the need for a quick response.
- A situation or circumstance, usually of recent origin, which breaks down the individual's or the family's usual pattern of functioning and cannot be resolved with usual coping behaviors. ...
- A sudden interruption to the normal course of events in a person’s life that requires him/her to re-evaluation of thoughts and behaviour. Common crises include having a baby, getting divorced, being relocated, experiencing a traumatic event.
- (pl. crises) a time of great difficulty or danger or when an important decision must be made.