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crevasse 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
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crevasses, plural;
  1. A deep open crack, esp. one in a glacier

  2. A breach in the embankment of a river or canal

  1. a deep fissure
  2. A crevasse is a crack in an ice sheet or glacier (compare to crevice, which is in rock). Crevasses often have vertical or near-vertical walls, which can then melt and create seracs, arches, etc.; these walls sometimes expose layers that represent the glacier's stratigraphy.
  3. A crack or fissure in a glacier or snow field; a chasm; A discontinuity or “gap” between the accounted variables and an observed outcome
  4. (Crevasses) are open fissures in glacier ice. Crevasses form where the speed of the ice is variable, such as in icefalls and at valley bends.
  5. (Crevasses) tend to form perpendicular to tension in the ice and are thus most often seen as horizontal gashes across the face of a glacier, usually concentrated as points of convexity.M
  6. A crack in a glacier surface of varying width and depth, caused by the movement of the glacier over underlying irregularities in terrain.
  7. a deep crack on the surface of an ice sheet or valley glacier.
  8. A deep, usually vertical, crack or split in a glacier, occurs as a result of the brittle ice flowing over a uneven surface beneath the ice. Crevasses can easily become covered by blown snow, even very wide ones. Great care must be taken when crossing ice and snow fields to avoid them. ...
  9. A crevasse (crack) forms in response to differential stresses caused by glacial flow. A crevasse may form singly or in a series on the surface of a moving glacier. They range in shape from linear to arcuate and in length from feet to miles. ...
  10. Cracks in the ice formed when the ice moves over uneven rocks or when floating ice spreads.
  11. a deep crack in glacial ice caused by the slow movement of the ice
  12. A deep chasm that forms within glaciers. They can be more than 100 feet deep.
  13. deep V-shaped cleft formed in the brittle part of a glacier; result of the fracture of ice undergoing extension;
  14. A potentially large gap in a glacier caused by tension or shifting. On Everest crevasses can run 10 stories deep.
  15. an open fissure in the glacier surface
  16. A deep crack in a glacier.
  17. a deep crack in ice, rock, etc.
  18. Cracks and fissures in the ice, frequently snow-covered and not readily visible. They are one of the most hazardous and everpresent dangers down here. ...