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credentials 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
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credentials, plural;
  1. A qualification, achievement, personal quality, or aspect of a person's background, typically when used to indicate that they are suitable for something
    • - recruitment is based mainly on academic credentials
  2. A document or certificate proving a person's identity or qualifications

  3. A letter of introduction given by a government to an ambassador before a new posting

  1. certificate: a document attesting to the truth of certain stated facts
  2. A credential is an attestation of qualification, competence, or authority issued to an individual by a third party with a relevant de jure or de facto authority or assumed competence to do so.
  3. (credential) Documentary evidence that a person has certain status or privileges; To furnish with credentials; of, pertaining to or entitling to credit or authority
  4. (Credential) A term sometimes used to refer to a qualification.
  5. (Credential) means an object or data structure that authoritatively binds an identity (and optionally, additional attributes) to a token possessed and controlled by a person.
  6. A Credential is a piece of information that verifies the identity of a user/Subject. One (or more) credentials are submitted along with Principal(s) during an authentication attempt to verify that the user/Subject submitting them is actually the associated user. ...
  7. (Credential) formal certification issued for successful achievement of a defined set of outcomes, e.g. successful completion of a course in recognition of having achieved particular knowledge, skills or competencies; successful completion of an apprenticeship or traineeship. See also qualification
  8. (Credential (or Certificate)) A set of digital certificates used to authenticate the user for physical and/or logical access, digitally sign transactions and encrypt data.
  9. (Credential) A certificate of competency in a specialized field, usually related to the ability to teach in that field.
  10. (Credential) A certificate, diploma, or other type of evidence that a person has completed specific requirements determined by a provider.
  11. (Credential) A certificate, or diploma, permitting a college graduate to practice in a professional field, such as teaching or counseling. Requirements usually include a bachelor's or master's degree, plus additional courses or experience.
  12. (Credential) A claim made by one agent about another.
  13. (Credential) A degree, certificate or award which recognizes a course of study taken in a certain area, and acknowledges the skills, knowledge and competencies acquired. An example is a teaching credential.
  14. (Credential) A document that entitles a worker to authority or allows him/her to work in a particular field. Often a credential is a license, certificate, or other piece of paper.
  15. (Credential) A named qualification that is awarded by Langara College upon completion of a prescribed program of study i.e., citation, certificate, diploma, associate degree, and bachelor’s degree. See Policy No. F1001.
  16. (Credential) Data which can be used to verify the identity of an individual. Common forms of credential include usernames/passwords, certificates, and documents such as passports.
  17. (Credential) Information including identification and proof of identification that is used to gain access to local and network resources, e.g. user names and passwords, smart cards, and certificates.
  18. (Credential) Proof of qualification, competence, or clearance that is attached to a person. A digital certificate, token, smart card, mobile phone, or installed software are credentials that may be used to enable strong or multi-factor authentication.
  19. (Credential) Values (such as a username or password) or tokens (such as a digital certificate) owned by a user and presented to an authentication controller for validation of the user's identity.
  20. (credential) A kernel testimonial that reliably identifies the userID and group of the requesting process.
  21. (credential) The file that contains a private key. (The corresponding public key is contained in a certificate.) A private key is what one principal presents to another and is used to establish identity in decryption and signing operations. ...
  22. (credential) adjective: warranting credit or confidence--used chiefly in the phrase credential letters
  23. A credential is generally defined as evidence (usually in printed form) concerning one's right to credit, confidence, authority or privileges. ...
  24. A temporary set of electronic credentials that verify the identity of a client for a particular service. Also called a ticket.
  25. The degrees or certificates that are earned after the completion of the required academic training, such as a Bachelor of Science degree or a Certificate in Human Resources.