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crackle 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
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crackles, 3rd person singular present; crackled, past tense; crackled, past participle; crackling, present participle;
  1. Make a rapid succession of slight cracking noises
    • - the fire suddenly crackled and spat sparks
  2. Give a sense of great tension or animation
    • - attraction and antagonism were crackling between them
  1. A sound made up of a rapid succession of slight cracking sounds
    • - there was a crackle and a whine from the microphone
  2. A pattern of minute surface cracks on painted or varnished surfaces, glazed ceramics, or glass

  1. the sharp sound of snapping noises
  2. having the surface decorated with a network of fine cracks, as in crackleware; "a crackle glaze"
  3. crepitate: make a crackling sound; "My Rice Krispies crackled in the bowl"
  4. crunch: make a crushing noise; "his shoes were crunching on the gravel"
  5. to become, or to cause to become, covered with a network of small cracks; "The blazing sun crackled the desert sand"
  6. (crackling) greaves: the residue that remains after animal fat has been rendered
  7. Crackle is a digital network and studio (formerly known as Grouper), offering commercial-supported streaming movies, television, and original web productions. ...
  8. The following is a list of episodes of the television series, Harper's Island. The show aired on CBS in the United States and Global TV in Canada, with the pilot premiering on April 9, 2009 as a mid-season replacement following the series finale of Eleventh Hour.
  9. In physics, crackle is the fifth derivative of the position vector with respect to time, with the first, second, third, and fourth derivatives being velocity, acceleration, jerk, and jounce (or snap), respectively; in other words, crackle is the rate of change of the snap with respect to time.
  10. Crackles, crepitations, or rales are the clicking, rattling, or crackling noises that may be made by one or both lungs of a human with a respiratory disease during inhalation. They are often heard only with a stethoscope ("on auscultation"). ...
  11. (crackling) Fat that, after roasting a joint, hardens and crispens
  12. (Crackles) Also known as rales, a soft fine crackling sound heard in the lungs through the stethoscope. Made either by air passages and alveoli (air sacs) opening up during inspiration or by air bubbling through fluid. They are not usually heard in healthy lungs.
  13. (Crackles) an adventitious breath sound heard on ausculating the chest, produced by air passing over airway secretions. A crackle is a discontinuous sound, as opposed to a wheeze, which is continuous. Crackles are known as fine or coarse and are also known as rales.
  14. (Crackles) signs for pulmonary and cardiovascular disorders. It is a non-musical clicking or rattling noises heard during auscultation. It occurs during inspiration.
  15. (crackles) Short, explosive or popping sounds usually heard during inspiration. They may be coarse (loud and low in pitch) or fine (less intense and high in pitch) and resemble the sounds heard when rolling hair between the fingers near the ear.
  16. (Crackling) Semi-sparkling wine; slightly effervescent. Also called frizzante.
  17. (crackling) An American term used in reference to a wine that is only slightly sparkling.
  18. (crackling) Zerglings with both movement and attack speed upgrades. Describes the zerglings as 'on crack'
  19. (Crackling) Many loud popping/banging noises one after another.
  20. (Crackling) The gold and silver sparked stars crackle, or erupt into snaps, pops, and flashes.
  21. (Crackling) the use of crackle medium to create fine porcelain cracks or large cracks in a background or finished painted project to simulate an aged object.
  22. (Blown Cylinder method.) The hot cylinder of glass is dipped in liquid, causing radical, random fissures in the glass. The cylinder is then reheated and further blown to heal the surface fissures. Resulting surface resembles the texture of alligator skin.
  23. A finish in which cracking is intentionally produced, allowing the undercoat to show through the cracks. A rapid drying of topcoat over slow drying undercoat produces this interesting technique.
  24. Decorative craze lines in a glaze.
  25. A sound effect from a firework created by many small bangs or snaps.