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cowl 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
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cowls, plural;
  1. A large loose hood, esp. one forming part of a monk's habit

  2. A monk's hooded, sleeveless habit

  3. A cloak with wide sleeves worn by members of Benedictine orders

  4. The hood-shaped covering of a chimney or ventilation shaft

  5. The part of a motor vehicle that supports the windshield and houses the dashboard

  1. hood: protective covering consisting of a metal part that covers the engine; "there are powerful engines under the hoods of new cars"; "the mechanic removed the cowling in order to repair the plane's engine"
  2. cover with or as with a cowl; "cowl the boys and veil the girls"
  3. a loose hood or hooded robe (as worn by a monk)
  4. (cowled) having the head enclosed in a cowl or hood; "a cowled monk"
  5. The cowl (from the Latin, cuculla meaning "hood and rope") is a hood worn by members of religious orders. It also refers to a long, hooded cloak, with wide sleeves, worn by some Catholic and Orthodox monks when participating in the liturgy. ...
  6. A cowl is a usually hood-shaped covering used to increase the draft of a chimney and prevent backflow. The cowl, usually made of galvanized iron, is fitted to the chimney pot to prevent wind blowing the smoke back down into the room beneath. ...
  7. Cowl is a 2004 science fiction novel by Neal Asher. It tells of an epic time war between two factions from the 43rd century.
  8. A Cowl is a device used on a kiln to keep the weather out of, and induce a flow of air through, the kiln. They are normally associated with oasts but can also be found on breweries (Letheringsett, Norfolk), maltings (Ware, Herts; Hadlow, Kent) and watermills (East Linton, East Lothian).
  9. A cowling is the covering of a vehicle's engine, most often found on automobiles and aircraft.
  10. A monk's hood or hooded robe; A mask that covers the majority of the head; A metal protective covering that covers the engine; also cowling; A ship's ventilator with a bell-shaped top which can be swivelled to catch the wind and force it below; A vertical projection of a ship's funnel that ...
  11. (cowling) A removable protective covering for the engine of an aircraft, motorcycle etc
  12. (cowling) the removable cover over the front portion of the aircraft.
  13. (Cowling) The hull of the bobsleigh, usually made of fibreglass.
  14. (COWLING) a streamlined housing or removable covering for an engine, often made of metal and forming a continuum with the body of the vehicle, as becoming a part of the wing or fuselage when shielding an aircraft engine; compare FAIRING, NACELLE.
  15. (cowls) Scoop like devices used to direct air into a boat.
  16. (Cowls) There are many types of cowls and they serve several functions.
  17. A short fitting used to join two pieces of pipe.
  18. A cap to a chimney or vent pipe.
  19. A removable metal scoop at the base of the windshield and rear of the hood that directs air into the air box.
  20. a loose gown with hanging sleeves and a hood, worn by Benedictine and other monks
  21. the part of an aircraft that covers the engine. Often a one-piece plastic or fibre-glass moulding.
  22. The part of the vehicle body between the engine Firewall and the front of the DashPanel. It usually houses the instruments and the Plenum Chamber for the heater- Ventilation system. The British term is scuttle. ...
  23. A drain located above the firewall where the windshield wipers deposit rain water.
  24. Choir mantle with long, large sleeves; worn for the Office except for the Little Hours and on warm summer days.
  25. (1) An elaborate chimney pot for improving drafts. (2) A covering over vent pipes to block rain and snow.