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cove 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
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coves, plural;
  1. Provide (a room, ceiling, etc.) with a cove

  1. A man
    • - he is a perfectly amiable cove

  1. a small inlet
  2. small or narrow cave in the side of a cliff or mountain
  3. Centre of Vocational Excellence (CoVE) is a status given to departments in further education colleges (and some third party training companies) in England. ...
  4. A cove is a small type of bay or coastal inlet. They usually have narrow, restricted entrances, are often circular or oval, and are often inside a larger bay. Small, narrow, sheltered bays, inlets, creeks, or recesses in a coast are often considered coves. ...
  5. Cové is a city located in the Zou Department of Benin. The commune covers an area of 525 square kilometres and as of 2002 had a population of 34,442 people.
  6. In the central and southern Appalachian Mountains of Eastern North America, a cove is a small valley between two ridge lines that is closed at one or both ends.
  7. The Japanese animation television series Death Note, is based on the manga series written by Tsugumi Ohba and illustrated by Takeshi Obata. ...
  8. Cove is a term used to describe a tightly concentrated group of large standing stones found in Neolithic and Bronze Age England. Coves are square or rectangular in plan and seem to have served as small enclosures within other henge, stone circle or avenue features. ...
  9. A hollow in a rock; a cave or cavern. [from 9th c.]; A concave vault or archway, especially the arch of a ceiling. [from 16th c.]; A small coastal inlet, especially one having high cliffs protecting vessels from prevailing winds. [from 16th c. ...
  10. (Coves) Commonly used to soften the transition on iside corners but may be used for a wide range of applications.
  11. (Coves) Used at corners, specifically as a ceiling cornice. Small coves may be used as an inside corner guard. Concave profile.
  12. An indentation along a shoreline. A very small indentation a few feet or so across is often referred to as a “pocket cove.”
  13. In roofing, a heavy bead of sealant material installed at the point where vertical and horizontal planes meet. It is used to eliminate the 90° angle. See also Fillet.
  14. A southern Appalachian word meaning a high, flat valley surrounded by mountains. Cades Cove in the Smokies (see Great Smoky Mountain National Park) is the one most people know about.
  15. A small sheltered recessed area in the shoreline.
  16. A concave surface that connects the ceiling and a wall; a type of molding used to join vertical surfaces to horizontal ones.
  17. Three standing stones, one at the back, two at the sides like an unroofed sentry-box
  18. Wooden molding used under the stair treads and on top of the J-Cap on skirt board.
  19. A small sheltered recess in a SHORE or COAST, generally inside a larger EMBAYMENT.
  20. Moulding or trim used to make a rounded 90 degree “in corner” for a field of tile (opposite of a quarter round). (See Moulding, Quarter Round)
  21. A cove is a small body of water along a coast. The land surrounding the cove is often made up of soft rock.
  22. A sheltered valley between opposing slopes.
  23. A negative (concave) semi-circular form in spindle turning.
  24. A large concave moulding; often as a cornice.
  25. a large depression in a mountain side, usually with a steep back wall and often with a tarn in the bottom (England)