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counterpoise 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
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counterpoises, plural;
  1. Have an opposing and balancing effect on
    • - excess on one hand is counterpoised by fundamental lack on the other
  2. Bring into contrast
    • - the stories counterpoise a young recruit with an old-timer
  1. A factor, force, or influence that balances or neutralizes another
    • - money is a good counterpoise to beauty
    • - they see the power of Brussels as a counterpoise to that of London
  2. A state of equilibrium

  3. A counterbalancing weight

  1. counterweight: constitute a counterweight or counterbalance to
  2. Counterpoise is an alternative review journal based in Gainesville, Florida (USA). It was founded in 1997 by Charles Willett, as a project of the AIP Task Force of the American Library Association's Social Responsibilities Round Table . ...
  3. A weight sufficient to balance another, as in the opposite scale of a balance; an equal weight; An equal power or force acting in opposition; a force sufficient to balance another force; The relation of two weights or forces which balance each other; equilibrium; equiponderance; To act against ...
  4. Offset; balance; counterbalance; act as an equal effect.
  5. A wire or group of wires mounted close to ground, but insulated from ground, to form a low-impedance, high-capacitance path the ground. Used at medium frequencies (MF) and high frequencies (HF) to provide an RF ground for an antenna. (Also see ground plane.)
  6. The name of the whole object should be entered instead, when available.
  7. a conductor or system of conductors used as a substitute for a ground in an antenna system
  8. The second half of an antenna, which "balances" the radiating element to launch the RF wave. Although not always readily apparent, a counterpoise always exists and its suitability can greatly affect the efficiency of the antenna. ...